

Portugal: Salvaterra de Magos 6.4.2014. Bullfight.

Salvaterra de Magos 6.4.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Alves Inácio.


João Salgueiro´s first bullfight did not get spectators attention. On the second bull Salgueiro hit well curtos.
Paulo Jorge Santos bullfight got spectators attention inmediately, handled the bull well with the horse.Hit good ferros.
Manuel Telles Bastos started well but the bullfight decreased in intensity. On second bull, bull weighting 580 kilos, cavaleiro hit well short ferros and handled the bull from close range. Telles Bastos received loud aplause.

Amadores de Évora: Ricardo Sousa and Denis Caeiro succeeded on the fourth pega. João Madeira succeeded on the first pega.
Amadores de Vila Franca: Antonio Faria and David Canario succeeded on the first pega. On the second bull Rui Gdinho succeeded on the first pega.