

Portugal: Moura 10.5.2014. Bullfight.

Moura 10.5.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Passanha Sobral.


Rui Salvador: correct curtos and compridos on his first bull. On his econd bull hit great ferros.
Filipe Gonçalves: discreet first bull but on fift bull cavaleiro hit great curtos.
Jacobo Botero: hit great ferros.


Moura: Carlos Sota and João Cabeça succeeded on first pega.
Safara: Bruno Valente was injured on first pega. Pedro Lúcio succeeded on first pega. José Reis and José Silva attempted seven pegas in total.
Póvoa de São Miguel: José dos Santos and Ruben Torrado succeeded both on second pega.