

Portugal: Évora 11.7.2014. Bullfight.

Évora 11.7.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Branco Núncio.


João Moura: good bullfight but having been without bullfighting for four months was noticed.
António Telles: cavaleiro could not fight with his great style he has done all this season.
Manuel Lupi: biggest and brave bull of the bullfight. Cavaleiro fell of his horse once during the bullfight.
Fráncisco Núncio: classic bullfight. Fought the bull allways from the front.
Fráncisco Núncio: great ferros, one of curtos was great.
António Núncio: received bull porta gaiola, hit great ferro.

Forcados de Évora: Gonçalo Rovisco succeeded on first pega.
Real Grupo de Forcados de Moura: Xavier Cortegano, Cláudio Pereira, Valter Carmo all succeeded on all three bull´s on first pega.