

Portugal: Lisbon 4.7.2014. Bullfight.

Lisbon 4.7.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Murteira Grave.


Antonio Telles: correct bullfight on first bull. Circuit of the bullring. Great bullfight on second bull. Cavaleiro fought the bull performing the suertes lightly. Circuit of the bullring with great ovation.

Vitor Ribeiro: great bullfight on first bull with precise suertes. Circuit of the bullring. Second bull did not give options for a great bullfight. Circuit of the bullring.

João María Branco: tried hard to make a good bullfight on first bull, but bull´s condition did not allow a great bullfight.Ovation. On sixth bull bullfight got more interesting, spectators ovationed strongly cavaleiro´s suertes. Circuit of the bullring.


Montemor: João Pedro Tavares and João Romão succeeded on first pega. Francisco Borges was replaced by Federico Caldeira who succeeded on third pega. Francisco Borges was taken to hospital after his pega.
Lisboa: Pedro Gil and Manuel Guerreiro succeeded on first pega and Daniel Batalha on second pega.

Antonio Telles was granted Radio e Televisão Portugal´s award for best bullfight.
Forcados Amadores de Montemor´s Antonio Tavares was awarded for the best pega.