

Portugal: Abiul 6.4.2015. Novilhada

Abiul 6.4.2015. Novilhada.

Bullranch: Falé Filipe.


Parreirita Cigano: discreet bullfight on complicated first bull. On second bull cavaleiro hit great comprido and two great curtos.
Luís Rouxinol Jr. discreet bullfight on first bull. On second bull cavaleiro hit two great curtos.


Diogo Peseiro: varied bullfight with capote on both novilhos. Peseiro hit bandarilhas himself on both bulls of which the first pair of bandarilhas on the second bull was the best. Peseiro succeeded best on his second bull.


Amadores de Coimbra: Diogo Pereira, André Rosa, Pedro Mendes, Edgar Graciano succeeded well on their pegas.

Bullring was 1/3 full of spectators.