

Portugal: Lisbon 16.7.2015. Bullfight

Lisbon 16.7.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Canas Vigouroux.


Manuel Telles Bastos: hit good curtos on first bull. Circuit of the bullring. On his second bull cavaleiro hit first comprido gaiola style. Circuit of the bullring.
GFA Cascais: Ventura Dorotea succeeded on second pega on first bull.
GFA Cascais: Joel Zambujeira succeeded on first pega on fourth bull. Circuit of the bullring.

Duarte Pinto: fought the first bull classically. Circuit of the bullring. On his second bull cavaleiro hit geat curtos.
GFA Monforte Nuno Duarte succeeded on first pega on second bull. Circuit of the bullring.
GFA Monforte Vitor Carreiras succeeded on second pega on sixth bull. Circuit of the bullring.

Miguel Moura: hit great curtos and compridos on his first bull. Penultimate ferro received standing ovation. Circuit of the bullring. On his second bull cavaleiro hit good palmito. Circuit of the bullring.
GFA Beja´s Miguel Sampaio succeeded on first pega. Circuit of the bullring.
Canas Vigouroux bullrancher: circuit of the bullring.
GFA Beja´s Guilherme Santos succeeded on first pega on fifth bull.

Award for best pega of the bullfight was for GFA Beja´s Guilherme Santos.