

Portugal: Oliveira do Bairro 20.7.2015. Bullfight

Oliveira do Bairro 20.7.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Santos Silva.

Cavaleiro and trophy:

Ana Batista: correct bullfight, got spectators attention quickly on both bulls.
Forcados: Amadores de Chamusca´s Antonio Melara Dias succeeded on first pega on first bull. Edgar Graciano succeeded on first pega on fourth bull.

António María Brito Paes: classical bullfight, succeeded better on first than on the second bull.
Forcados: Diogo Borges of Amadores de Coimbra succeeded on second pega on first bull and Luis Dinis of Amadores da Chamusca succeeded on third pega on fifth bull.

Marcos Bastinhas: good bullfight with varied style on both bulls.
Forcados: Bruno Riasco of Amadores de Chamusca succeeded on first pega on third bull and João Eusébio succeeded on first pega on sixth bull.

Forcado Bruno Riasco was hurt on third bull.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.