

Portugal: Vila Viçosa 13.9.2015. Bullfight

Vila Viçosa 13.9.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: David Ribeiro Telles.


João Telles Jr: discreet bullfight on first bull. On his second bull cavaleiro hit good curtos and two violinos. Circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA Santarem´s Nelson Ramalho succeeded on second pega on first bull.
GFA Montemor´s Frederico Caldeira succeeded on first pega on fourth bull. Circuit of the bullring.

Miguel Moura: hit three great palmo´s on first bull. Circuit of the bullring. Weather was turning bad towards the end of the bullfight. Cavaleiro fought discreetly on fifth bull. Circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA Montemor´s João de Cámara succeeded on first pega on second bull. Circuit of the bullring. On fifth bull GFA Santarem´s David Inácio succeeded on second pega. Circuit of the bullring.

João Salgueiro da Costa: discreet bullfight on third bull. Circuit of the bullring. On sixth bull cavaleiro hit great last curto. Circuit of the bullring.
GFA Santarem´s António Gois succeeded on third pega on third bull. Circuit of the bullring.
GFA Montemor´s Manuel Ramalho succeeded on first pega on sixth bull. Circuit of the bullring.