

Spain: charity tentadero for Cáritas and AECC in Talavera

Charity tentadero for Cáritas and AECC will be held in Talavera de la Reina 24.1.2015 at 12am.
Bullfighters: Paco Ojeda, Victor Mendes, Juan Mora, José Miguel Arroyo "Joselito.
Bullfight school students: Ángel Tellez, Aarón, Alejandro Mora, Rafael González.
Local bullranches will donate the cattle to be tested.


France: Gimeaux 25.10.2015. Festival

Gimeux 25.10.2015. Festival.

Bullranches: Pagès-Mailhan, Fréres Gallon.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Roberto Piles: two bull´s ears.
Fernández Meca: two bull´s ears.
Mehdi Savalli: ovation.
Javier Cortés: two bull´s ears and a tail.
Pierre Mailhan: ovation.

Spain: Hellín 25.10.2015. Charity festival

Hellín 25.10.2015. Charity festival.

Bullranches: Sonia González, Prieto de la Cal.

Rejoneador and trophy:

José Antonio Navarro Orenes: ovation.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Javier Vázquez: ovation.
Oliva Soto: silence after a warning.
Miguel Tendero: two bull´s ears.
Sergio Serrano: one bull´s ear.

Novillero and trophy:

Ángel Olmo: two bull´s ears after a warning.

Festival was for Cáritas Hellín.

Bullring was 1/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Sevilla Feria de Abril 2016 bullfight dates

Sevilla Feria de Abril 2016 bullfights will take place from 3.4. to 17.4.2016. Feria de Abril Maestranza bullring program consists of twelve bullfights, two rejones bullfights and one novillada.


Spain: La Puebla del Río 24.10.2015. Charity festival

La Puebla del Río 24.10.2015. Charity festival.

Bullranches: El Capea, Zalduendo.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Ruiz Miguel: two bull´s ears.
Ortega Cano: two bull´s ears and a tail.
Vicente Ruiz "El Soro": two bull´s ears and two bull´s ears on spare bull.
Morante de la Puebla: two bull´s ears and a tail.

Novillero and trophy:

Daniel de la Fuente "Liqui": two bull´s ears and a tail.

Rejoneador and trophy:

Diego Ventura: two bull´s ears and a tail.

Bullring was full of spectators.

Festival was organised for the benefit of Cáritas.


France: Paul Ricard bullfight club awards for southwest France

Paul Ricard bullfight club awards for southwest France.

Best bullfighter: López Simón.
Best bullranch: Baltasar Ibán.
Best novillada with picadors: Robert Margé.
Best novillada without picadors: Frères Jalabert.
Best novillero: Manolo Vanegas.
Best novillero without picadors: Tibo García.

Special mention to Frères Gallon bullranch for a bull fought on Saint-Martin-de-Crau and for pardoned Odalisco bull fought in Iniesta (Spain) on 29.8.2015. Bull was fought by Morenito de Aranda.

Spain: new bullfight school

New bullfight school will be opened 2nd November in Navas del Rey, Madrid, with the help of Asociación Cultural Taurina and  Navas del Rey Townhall.


Portugal: Campo Pequeno bullring on display in Macao

Lisbon´s Campo Pequeno bullring is on display for the first time with its own stand at Macao´s 20º International Trade and Investment Fair.


Spain: increase in spectator numbers in Zaragoza

In total 122824 spectators bought a ticket to Zaragoza´s Feria del Pilar 2015 bullfights held between 11.10. and 18.10.2015, which is a 20% increase compared to the year 2014 according to Zaragoza bullring.

Zaragoza bullring:

Spain: Number of bullfights in 2015 by province.

Number of bullfights in Spain in 2015 by province:

Madrid 196, Toledo 72, Ávila 53, Badajoz 45, Salamanca 43, Ciudad Real 41, Sevilla 40, Cáceres 39, Guadalajara 39, Albacete 38, Navarra 37, Cuenca 35, Murcia 32, Valladolid 32, Segovia 31, Jaén 31, Valencia 27, Málaga 27, Burgos 27, Cádiz 21, Zaragoza 20, Granada 19, Córdoba 18, Huelva 18, La Rioja 17, Zamora 16, Almería 16, Teruel 14.

Autonomous Communities: Cantabria 12,  Asturias 7, Galicia 5, Baleares 3.
Autonomous town: Melilla 1.


Bullfghters, novilleros and rejoneador´s 2015 top ten

Bullfighter/ears/tails/ bullfights on 1º class bullring.

El Fandi: 67/151/6/7
Juan José Padilla: 51/98/9/9
Sebastián Castella: 51/78/1/15
Morante de la Puebla: 48/30/0/13
Manuel Escribano: 46/64/2/15
Alejandro Talavante: 45/55/0/16
Miguel Angel Perera: 43/55/2/14
Jose Mari Manzanares: 42/42/1/19
El Juli: 38/65/2/16
Enrique Ponce: 38/61/1/10

Novillero/ears/tails/bullfights on 1º class bullring.

Ginés Marín: 40/66/1/9
Joaquin Galdós/34/41/0/9
Varea: 33/26/3/10
Alejandro Conquero: 26/34/0/2
David de Miranda: 23/39/4/2
Roca Rey: 22/42/1/6
Alvaro Lorenzo: 22/40/2/2
Posada de Maravillas: 22/28/0/6
Miguel Angel Silva: 20/30/1/2
Alejandro Marcos: 20/12/04

Rejoneador/ears/tails/bullfights on 1º class bullring.

Hermoso de Mendoza: 49/84/4/15
Diego Ventura: 37/83/7/9
Leonardo Hernández:36/81/4/5
João Moura Jr.: 32/25/1/4
Luis Rouxinol: 31/0/0/2
Fermín Bohórquez: 29/38/2/8
Manuel Manzanares: 29/28/3/4
Marcos Tenorio Bastinhas: 28/0/0/2
Lea Vicens: 26/47/1/8
Mario Pérez Langa: 23/58/1/0

Note: Luis Rouxinol and Marcos Tenorio Bastinhas lack of cut ears is because they have only fought in Portugal where ears are not cut on bullfights and if they have fought in France or Spain they have not cut ears.


France: Arles extra municipal bullfight board awards

Arles extra municipal bullfight board bullfight awards have been announced.

Best bullfighter: José Mari Manzanares.
Best rejoneador: Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza.
Best bullfight: Baltasar Ibán.
Best novillada: Robert Margé.
Best novillero with picadors: Manolo Vanegas.
Best novillero without picadors: Carlos Olsina.

Spain: Zaragoza Feria del Pilar 2015 bullfight awards

Zaragoza Feria del Pilar 2015 bullfight awards have been announced.

IX Diputación Provincial award for best faena: Alejandro Talavante on day 11.
XV award for best presented bullfight peña Mari Paz Vega: novillada of Los Maños bullranch.
XXIV Zaragoza City Council award for best bullfighter of the Feria by Peña Taurina La Madroñera: Julian López "El Juli".
XXXIII award for courage by county council: Rafael Rubio "Rafaelillo".
XXXIV award for best estocada by county council: Juan del Álamo.
XXXIV award for best puyazo by county council: Salvador Nuñez of El Juli´s cuadrilla.
XL award for pair of banderillas by county council: Juan José Trujillo.
XLVII award for the bravest bull by Peña La Madroñera: Pescadero of Daniel Ruiz bullranch.


Spain: Tobarra 18.10.2015. Mixta bullfight

Tobarra 18.10.2015. Mixta bullfight.

Bullranch: El Quintanar.

Rejoneador and trophy:

José Antonio Orenes: silence.

Bullfighter and trophy:

José Ramón García "Chechu": silence and one bull´s ear.
Pedro Marín: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.

France: Beziers 18.10.2015. Festival

Beziers 18.10.2015. Festival.

Bullranch: Alain Tardieu.

Bullfighter and trophy:

El Capea: one bull´s ear.
David Galán: ovation.
Julio Benítez "El Cordobés": one bull´s ear.
Alejandro Esplá: two bull´s ears.
Thomas Cerqueira: two bull´s ears.
Cayetano Ortiz: two bull´s ears.

France: Vergèze 18.10.2015. Bullfight

Vergèze 18.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Prieto de la Cal.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Morenito de Nîmes: silence and one bull´s ear.
Sánchez Vara: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.
Javier Cortés: silence after three warnings and circuit of the bullring after a warning.

Fifth bull was awarded with circuit of the bullring.

Spain: Zaragoza 18.10.2015. Rejones bullfight

Zaragoza 18.10.2015. Rejones bullfight.

Rejoneador and trophy:

Fermín Bohórquez: ovation and circuit of the bullring.
Hermoso de Mendoza: ovation and ovation.
Lea Vicens: ovation and two bull´s ears.

Bullfight was Fermín Bohórquez rejoneador career´s last bullfight.
Lea Vicens was carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight

Bullring was full of spectators.

Spain: Jaén 18.10.2015. Bullfight

Jaén 18.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Peña de Francia, Jandilla, El Pilar.

Bullfighter and trophy:

El Fandi: ovation, one bull´s ear and ovation.
López Simón: two bull´s ears, ovation after a warning and ovation.

López Simón decided not to be carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders.

Bullring was 2/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Alba de Tormes 18.10.2015. Teresiana bullfight

Alba de Tormes 18.10.2015. Teresiana Bullfight.

Bullranch: Toros de Orive.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Manuel Escribano: one bull´s ear and ovation.
Daniel Luque: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.
Juan del Álamo: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears after a warning.

Manuel Escribano and Daniel Luque were carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight
Bullring was full of spectators.


Portugal: growth in Lisbon bullring spectator numbers

Lisbon bullring has had an 20% growth in spectators numbers compared to the year 2015. Average spectators percent in bullfights was 81% which is 6% more compared to the bullfight season 2014.
Lisbon´s new bullfight museum was visited 7000 times by people from 86 countries since the opening in 2.6.2015.

Spain: Zaragoza 17.10.2015. Bullfight

Zaragoza 17.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Garcigrande, Domingo Hernández, El Vellosino, El Pilar,  Puerto de San Lorenzo.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Alejandro Talavante: ovation, silence, one bull´s ear with strong demand for a second ear.
López Simón: one bull´s ear, ovation and circuit of the bullring.

Bullring was full of spectators.

Spain: Jaén 17.10.2015. Bullfight

Jaén 17.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Torrestrella, El Cotillo.

Bullfighter and trophy:

José Carlos Venegas: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.
Adrián de Torres: ovation and ovation.
Javier Jiménez: ovation and ovation.

Bullring was 1/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Palos de la Frontera 17.10.2015. Mixta Pinzoniana bullfight

Palos de la Frontera 17.10.2015. Mixta Pinzoniana bullfight.

Bullranch: Dominguez Camacho.

Bullfighter and trophy:

El Cid: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.
Manuel Escribano: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.

Novillero and trophy:

David de Miranda: two bull´s ears and one bulls´ear.

Bullfighters and novillero were carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders.

Bullring was 2/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Chinchón 17.10.2015. Festival

Chinchón 17.10.2015. Festival.

Bullranch: García Jiménez, Peña de Francia.

Rejoneador and trophy:

Ginés Cartagena: one bull´s ear.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Uceda Leal: two bull´s ears.
Eugenio de Mora: two bull´s ears.
Miguel Abellán: two bull´s ears and a tail.
Morenito de Aranda: two bull´s ears.

Novillero without picadors and trophy:

Aitor Fernández: two bull´s ears and a tail.

Bullring was full of spectators.


Spain: Zaragoza 16.10.2015. Bullfight

Zaragoza 16.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Adolfo Martín.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Rafael Rubio "Rafaelillo": ovation after a warning and one bull´s ear.
Ricardo Torres: ovation and ovation.
Luís Antonio Gaspar "Paulita": silence and ovation.

Rafaelillo was gored twice during the bullfight but nonetheless continued the fight with one broken rib.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

Spain: T award of arts for Enrique Ponce

Enrique Ponce has received T award of arts by Telva magazine. Award was given for Ponce´s constant work to be the best, his humility and for what makes people enjoy with his art.


Spain: Zaragoza 15.10.2015. Bullfight

Zaragoza 15.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Fuente Ymbro.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Manuel Escribano: ovation and silence after a warning.
Iván Fandiño: silence and ovation.
Juan del Álamo: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.

Bullring was 2/3 full of spectators.


Spain: Zaragoza 14.10.2015. Novillada

Zaragoza 14.10.2015. Novillada.

Bullranch: Los Maños.

Novillero and trophy:

Ginés Marín: ovation, one bull´s ear with strong petition for second ear.
Varea: one bull´s ear and ovation after a warning.
Leo Valadez: ovation and silence.

Fourth novillo of the novillada was awarded with circuit of the bullring due to novillo´s bravery.

Bullring was 2/3 full of spectators.

France: Bouillargues 13.10.2015. Novillada without picadors

Bouillargues 13.10.2015. Novillada without picadors.

Bullranches: Blohorn, Pages-Mailhan.

Novillero without picadors and trophy:

Tibo García: ovation and ovation.
Andrien Salenc: ovation after a warning and ovation.
Thomas Ubeda: circuit of the bullring and one bull´s ear.

Bullring was full of spectators.


Spain: Zaragoza 13.10.2015. Bullfight

Zaragoza 13.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Zalduendo.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Juan José Padilla: silence, one bull´s ear with two circuits of the bullring and whistles to the president of the bullfight.
El Fandi: silence and ovation.
Daniel Luque: one bull´s ear and ovation.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.


Spain: Zaragoza 12.10.2015. Bullfight

Zaragoza 12.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Hnos.Sampedro, Carmen Lorenzo, Los Espartales, Garcigrande, Daniel Ruiz.

Rejoneador and trophy:

Diego Ventura: silence, ovation, one bull´s ear.

Bullfighter and trophy:

El Juli: ovation, two bull´s ears and one bull´s ear.

El Juli was carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Madrid 12.10.2015. Bullfight

Madrid 12.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Martín Lorca, Escribano-Martín.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Iván Vicente: ovation and ovation.
Alejandro Amaya: whistles and whistles.
Javier Jiménez: silence after a warning and silence.

Bullring was 1/3 full of spectators.

Spain: Sevilla 12.10.2015. Bullfight

Sevilla 12.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Las Ramblas.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Antonio Nazaré: ovation and silence.
Miguel Ángel Delgado: ovation and one bull´s ear.
Esaú Fernández: silence and ovation.

Bullring was 1/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Calanda 12.10.2015. Bullfight

Calanda 12.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Antonio Bañuelos.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Eugenio de Mora: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.
Paulita: silence and two bull´s ears.
José Garrido: two bull´s ears and two bull´s ears and a tail.

Bullfighters were carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders.

Bullring was 2/3 full of spectators.


Spain: Fuengirola 11.10.2015. Bullfight

Fuengirola 11.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Manuel Blázquez, Buenavista.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Salvador Vega: two bull´s ears, silence after a warning and one bull´s ear.
David Galán: two bull´s ears, two bull´s ears and two bull´s ears and a tail.

Bullfighters were carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.

Bullring was 2/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Madrid 11.10.2015. Novillada

Madrid 11.10.2015. Novillada.

Bullranches: La Dehesilla, José Luís Pereda, Julio de la Puerta.

Novillero and trophy:

Mario Alcalde: silence and ovation.
Amor Rodríguez: silence after a warning and ovation after a warning.
Alejandro Fermín: silence and ovation.

Bullring was 1/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Zaragoza 11.10.2015. Bullfight

Zaragoza 11.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Morante de la Puebla: ovation and ovation.
Diego Urdiales: one bull´s ear and ovation.
Alejandro Talavante: two bull´s ears and ovation.

Alejandro Talavante was carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.

Bullfight was sold out.

Spain: El Puig 11.10.2015. Novillada

El Puig 11.10.2015. Novillada.

Bullranch: Alcurrucén.

Novillero and trophy:

Jesús Chover: ovation and two bull´s ears.
Cristian Climent: ovation and two bull´s ears and a tail.
Juan Antonio Navas: silence after a warning and silenc after a warning.

Cristian Climent and Jesús Chover were carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Ávila 11.10.2015. Rejones bullfight

Ávila 11.10.2015. Rejones bullfight.

Bullranch: Luís Frias Piqueras.

Rejoneador and trophy:

Rui Fernández: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.
Leonardo Hernández: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.
Manuel Manzanares: ovation and one bull´s ear.

Spain: Montoro 11.10.2015. Bullfight

Montoro 11.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Fuente Ymbro.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Finito de Córdoba: ovation and symbolic two bull´s ears and a tail.
Juan José Padilla: two bull´s ears and one bull´s ear.
El Fandi: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.

Fourth bull of the bullfight was pardoned by the president of the bullfight due to bull´s bravery.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.


Spain: Barcelona town hall bans a poster

Barcelona town hall has banned Zaragoza´s Feria del Pilar poster with bullfighter Morante de la Puebla. Barcelona claims to be sensitive to animal´s rights. In the banned poster you can see bullfighter Morante de la Puebla without a shirt with Salvador written to his chest. Salvador Dalí was Catalonian artist famous for his surreal art. Salvador Dalí was inspired by bullfight and was frequently seen in bullfights.

Link to the banned poster:

Spain: Leganés 10.10.2015. Bullfight

Leganés 10.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Tapatana.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Juan José Padilla: two bull´s ears and two bull´s ears.
Miguel Abellán: two bull´s ears after a warning and ovation.
El Fandi: two bull´s ears and one bull´s ear.

Bullfighters were carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Utiel 10.10.2015. Charity bullfight

Utiel 10.10.2015. Charity bullfight.

Bullranches: Guadalmena, Torreherberos, Torrehandilla.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Alberto Gómez: ovation, one bull´s ear, two bull´s ears, one bull´s ear, ovation, ovation.

Bullring was 1/3 full of spectators.

Portugal: Vila Franca de Xira 9.10.2015. Mista bullfight

Vila Franca de Xira 9.10.2015. Mista bullfight.

Bullranch: Murteira Grave.


Antonio Telles: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Forcador: GFA Santarém´s Lourenço Ribeiro succeeded on third attempt: circuit of the bullring. Luís Sepúlveda succeeded on first attempt: circuit of the bullring.

Manuel Telles Bastos: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA Vila Franca´s Gonçalo Filipe tried to make a pega four times and after that David Moreira tried three times. Gonçalo Filipe: circuit of the bullring. Francisco Faria: circuit of the bullring.


António João Ferreira: circuit of the bullring and silence.

It started to rain during the sixth bull.

Bullring was 2/4 full of spectators.


Spain: El Puig 9.10.2015. Novillada

El Puig 9.10.2015. Novillada.

Bullranch: Fuente Ymbro.

Novillero and trophy:

Fernando Beltrán: one bull´s ear and ovation.
Cristian Climent: two bull´s ears and two bull´s ears and a tail.
Varea: two bull´s ears and two bull´s ears and a tail.

Fifth novillo was granted a circuit of the bullring and sixth novillo was granted two circuits of the bullring.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Salvador Vega takes López Simón´s place in Fuengirola

Salvador Vega takes López Simón´s place 11.10.2015 in Fuengirola.
Bullranches: Manuel Blázquez, Jandilla.
Bullfighters: Salvador Vega, David Galán.


Portugal: Vila Franca de Xira 6.10.2015. Bullfight

Vila Franca de Xira 6.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Miura, Palha.


Luís Rouxinol: ovation (did not make a circuit of the bullring authorised by the president of the bullfight) and circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA Vila Franca´s Ricardo Castelo succeeded on fourth pega on first bull and Bruno Casquinha succeeded well on fourth bull. Circuit of the bullring.

Vitor Ribeiro: ovation and circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: Gonçalo Salitre succceeded well on first pega on second bull and Rui Godinho succeeded on first pega on sixth bull. Circuit of the bullring.

João Salgueiro da Costa: ovation and ovation.
Forcados: Pedro Castelo succeeded on first pega. Circuit of the bullring. Ricardo Patusco succeeded on third attempt on fifth bull. Ovation.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.


Spain: XXII Cossío bullfight awards 2015

XXII Cossío bullfight Awards 2015 have been announced.

Bullfighter: Sebastián Castella.
Revelation: Alberto López Simón.
Best bullranch: Fuente Ymbro.
Best novillero: Ginés Marín.
Important career: Jesús Janeiro "Jesulin de Ubrique".
Important aficionado: Pedro Sánchez López, President of Murcia autonomous community.
Gesture in defence of Fiesta: San Sebastián town hall.
Revelation club: P.T. Celestino Martín, Escucha (Teruel).
Culture club: P.T. Casasimarro, Casasimarro (Cuenca).
Exemplary club: Club Abonados Plaza de Albacete.
Special: Agustin Castellanos "El Puri" for 50 years of alternativa.


Spain: Guadarrama 5.10.2015. Novillada

Guadarrama 5.10.2015. Novillada.

Bullranch: El Tajo y La Reina.

Ginés Marín: ovation and one bull´s ear.
Joaquin Galdós: ovation and ovation after a warning.
Luis David Adame: ovation and two bull´s ears.

Bullring was 2/4 full of spectators.

Portugal: Alcácer do Sal 4.10.2015. Bullfight

Alcácer do Sal 4.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Pinto Barreiros, Falé Filipe, Conde Cabral, Prudêncio, Herdade de Camarate, Charrua.


Sónia Matias: circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA Montemor´s João da Cámara succeeded on first attempt.

Ana Batista: circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA Évora´s Dinis Caeiro succeeded on second attempt.

Paulo J. Santos: circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA Montemor´s Bernardo Dentinho succeeded on secont attempt.

Marcelo Mendes: circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA Évora´s João Pedro Oliveira succeeded on first attempt.

Luís Rouxinol Jr. circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA Montemor´s Luis Valerio succeeded on first attempt.

Mara Pimenta: circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA Évora´s João Madeira succeeded on first attempt.


France: Rodilhan 4.10.2015. Novillada

Rodilhan 4.10.2015. Novillada.

Bullranch: Jalabert frères.

Novillero and trophy:

Jaime Casas: one bull´s ear and circuit of the bullring.
Tibo García: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.
Carlos Llandres: circuit of the bullring and one bull´s ear.

Bullring was 4/5 full of spectators.

Spain: Guadarrama 4.10.2015. Novillada

Guadarrama 4.10.2015. Novillada.

Bullranch: Montealto.

Novillero and trophy:

Álvaro Lorenzo: ovation and two bull´s ears.
Varea: silence and symbolic two bull´s ears and a tail.
Alejandro Marcos: one bull´s ear and ovation.

Fifth novillo of the novillada was pardoned due to novillo´s bravery.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Madrid 4.10.2015. Bullfight

Madrid 4.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Adolfo Martín.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Rafaelillo: ovation and ovation.
Fernando Robleño: silence and silence.
Paco Ureña: ovation and circuit of the bullring after a warning.

Bullring was full of spectators.

Spain: Zafra 4.10.2015. Rejones bullfight

Zafra 4.10.2015. Rejones bullfight.

Bullranch: Hdros. Sánchez y Sánchez.

Rejoneador and trophy:

Fermín Bohórquez: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ear.
Diego Ventura: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.
Andrés Romero: circuit of the bullring and two bull´s ears.

Rejoneadors were carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.

Spain: Úbeda 4.10.2015. Novillada

Úbeda 4.10.2015. Novillada.

Bullranch: El Cortijillo, Lozano Hermanos, Alcurrucén.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Gerardo Rivera: circuit of the bullring and silence after a warning.
Jesús Enrique Colombo: one bull´s ear and ovation after a warning.
Daniel García: one bull´s ear after a warning and one bull´s ear.

Novillada was Daniel García´s debut with picadors.

Bullring was 1/3 full of spectators.


Spain: Madrid 3.10.2015. Bullfight

Madrid 3.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Vellosino.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Úceda Leal: silence and silence.
Eugenio de Mora: silence and ovation.
Gonzalo Caballero: ovation after a warning and ovation after a warning.

Bullring was full of spectators.

Spain: Zafra 3.10.2015. Bullfight

Zafra 3.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Zalduendo.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Morante de la Puebla: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.
Alejandro Talavante: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.
Posada de Maravillas: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.

Bullfight was Posada de Maravilla´s alternativa.

Bullfighters were carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.

Bullring was full of spectators.

Spain: Úbeda 3.10.2015. Mixta bullfight

Úbeda 3.10.2015. Mixta bullfight.

Bullranches: Los Espartales, Alcurrucén.

Rejoneador and trophy:

Diego Ventura: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.

Bullfighter and trophy:

El Fandi: two bull´s ears and symbolic two  bull´s ears and a tail.
Daniel Luque: one bull´s ear after a warning and two bull´s ears.

Fifth bull of the bullfight was pardoned by the president of the bullfight due to bull´s bravery.
Sixth bull of the bullfight was granted a circuit of the bullring.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

Spain: El Puig 2015 novilladas announced

El Puig 2015 novilladas have been announced.

9.10.2015. Novillada.
Bullranch: Fuente Ymbro.
Novilleros: Fernando Beltrán, Cristian Climent, Varea.

10.10.2015. Novillada.
Bullranch: Alcurrucén.
Novilleros: Jesús Chover, Cristian Climent, Juan Antonio Navas.


Spain: Madrid 2.10.2015. Bullfight

Madrid 2.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Puerto de San Lorenzo,Valdefresno.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Diego Urdiales: silence, ovation and silence.
López Simón: one bull´s ear, one bull´s ear and silence.

López Simón was wounded to his left leg on his first bull.
López Simón was carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.

Bullring was full of spectators.

Portugal: Lisbon 1.10.2015. Bullfight

Lisbon 1.10.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Passanha.


Antonio Telles: correct bullfight on his first and second bull.
Fermín Bohórquez: discreet bullfight.

Cavaleiro praticante:

Louis Rouxinol Jr: good bullfight, hit great ferros.


Lisboa: succeeded once on first pega and twice on second pega.
Alcochete: succeeded twice on second pega on once on third pega.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.


France: novillada without picadors in Bouillargues on 10.10.2015

Novillada without picadors will be held in Bouillargues on 10.10.2015.

Bouillargues 10.10.2015. Novillada without picadors.
Bullranch: -
Novilleros without picadors: Tibo García, Adrien Salenc, Tomas Ubeda.

Spain: Madrid 1.10.2015. Novillada

Madrid 1.10.2015. Novillada.

Bullranch: El Torreón, Dolores Rufino.

Novillero and trophy:

Filiberto: silence and ovation.
Alejandro Marcos: silence after a warning and silence after a warning.
Joaquin Galdós: silence and silence.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Arnedo 1.10.2015. Novillada

Arnedo 1.10.2015. Novillada.

Bullranch: Baltasar Ibán.

Novillero and trophy:

Miguel Ángel Silva: silence and circuit of the bullring.
Manolo Vanegas: silence and circuit of the bullring.
Juan de Castilla: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear after a warning.

Fourth novillo was awarded with circuit of the bullring.

Bullring was 1/3 full of spectators.