Castellón 29.2.2016. Rejones bullfight.
Bullranch: Castillejo de Huebra.
Rejoneador and trophy:
Andy Cartagena: one bull´s ear.
Sergio Galán: silence.
João Moura Jr: one bull´s ear.
Leonardo Hernández: one bull´s ear.
Manuel Manzanares: ovation.
Lea Vicens: ovation after two warnings.
Bullring was 2/4 full of spectators.
Spain: Madrid Corrida de Beneficencia has been announced
Madrid Corrida de Beneficencia will be held on 1.6.2016.
Bullranch: Victoriano del Río.
Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella, David Mora, López Simón.
Bullranch: Victoriano del Río.
Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella, David Mora, López Simón.
Spain: Castellón 28.2.2016. Novillada
Castellón 28.2.2016. Novillada.
Bullranches: Fuente Ymbro, El Parralejo.
Novillero and trophy:
Varea: one bull´s ear after a warning, ovation after a warning, silence after a warning, one bull´s ear, two bull´s ears and silence.
Novilladas fifth novillo was awarded with circuit of the bullring.
Varea was carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the novillada.
Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.
Bullranches: Fuente Ymbro, El Parralejo.
Novillero and trophy:
Varea: one bull´s ear after a warning, ovation after a warning, silence after a warning, one bull´s ear, two bull´s ears and silence.
Novilladas fifth novillo was awarded with circuit of the bullring.
Varea was carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the novillada.
Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.
Portugal: Lisbon 27.2.2016 Charity festival
Lisbon 27.2.2016. Charity festivali.
Bullranches: Murteira Grave, Paulo Caetano, Canas Vigouroux, Calejo Pires.
Antonio Ribeiro Telles: circuit of the bullring.
Manuel Ribeiro Telles Bastos: circuit of the bullring.
João Telles: circuit of the bullring.
Victor Mendes: circuit of the bullring.
Finito de Córdoba: circuit of the bullring.
Juan del Álamo: circuit of the bullring.
Diogo Peseiro: circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: Santarém was succesfull on fourth pega on first novilho, Montemor and Vila Franca were succesfull on first pega.
Bullring was full of spectators.
Bullranches: Murteira Grave, Paulo Caetano, Canas Vigouroux, Calejo Pires.
Antonio Ribeiro Telles: circuit of the bullring.
Manuel Ribeiro Telles Bastos: circuit of the bullring.
João Telles: circuit of the bullring.
Victor Mendes: circuit of the bullring.
Finito de Córdoba: circuit of the bullring.
Juan del Álamo: circuit of the bullring.
Diogo Peseiro: circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: Santarém was succesfull on fourth pega on first novilho, Montemor and Vila Franca were succesfull on first pega.
Bullring was full of spectators.
Spain: charity festival for Down´s Syndrome children in Granada on 13.3.2016
Charity Festival for Down´s Syndrome children will be held in Granada on 13.3.2016.
Bullranch: Hnos.García Jiménez.
Rejoneador: Manuel Manzanares.
Bullfighters: El Fandi, Cayetano, López Simón.
Novillero: José Antonio Pardo "Joselete".
Bullranch: Hnos.García Jiménez.
Rejoneador: Manuel Manzanares.
Bullfighters: El Fandi, Cayetano, López Simón.
Novillero: José Antonio Pardo "Joselete".
Portugal: Lisbon early bullfight season 2016 bullfights announced
Lisbon early bullfight season 2016 bullfights have been announced.
14.4.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranches: Veiga Teixeira, Ribeiro Telles, Pinto Barreiros, Murteira Grave, S.Torcato, Santa María.
Cavaleiros: João Salgueiro, João Ribeiro Telles Jr. Manuel Manzanares.
19.5.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Mario Herdeiros da Vinhas.
Cavaleiros: João Moura, Antonio Ribeiro Telles, Rui Fernandes.
Forcados: Santarem, Lisboa.
2.6.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Santa Maria.
Cavaleiros: Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, João Moura Jr., Lea Vicens (alternativa confirmation)
16.6.2016. Surprise bullfight.
Cavaleiros: -
Forcados: Vila Franca de Xira.
30.6.2016. Goyesca bullfight.
Bullfighter: Morante de la Puebla.
14.7.2016. Mixta bullfight.
Bullranches: Varela Crujo.
Cavaleiros: Luis Rouxinol, Luis Rouxinol Jr.
Bullfighters: Juan José Padilla, Juan del Álamo.
Forcados: Alcochete.
28.7.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Ribeiro Telles.
Cavaleiros: João Moura, Rui Salvador, Brito Paes, Manuel Ribeiro Telles Bastos, Duarte Pinto, João Salgueiro da Costa, Antonio Nuncio.
Forcados: Montemor, Evora.
14.4.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranches: Veiga Teixeira, Ribeiro Telles, Pinto Barreiros, Murteira Grave, S.Torcato, Santa María.
Cavaleiros: João Salgueiro, João Ribeiro Telles Jr. Manuel Manzanares.
19.5.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Mario Herdeiros da Vinhas.
Cavaleiros: João Moura, Antonio Ribeiro Telles, Rui Fernandes.
Forcados: Santarem, Lisboa.
2.6.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Santa Maria.
Cavaleiros: Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, João Moura Jr., Lea Vicens (alternativa confirmation)
16.6.2016. Surprise bullfight.
Cavaleiros: -
Forcados: Vila Franca de Xira.
30.6.2016. Goyesca bullfight.
Bullfighter: Morante de la Puebla.
14.7.2016. Mixta bullfight.
Bullranches: Varela Crujo.
Cavaleiros: Luis Rouxinol, Luis Rouxinol Jr.
Bullfighters: Juan José Padilla, Juan del Álamo.
Forcados: Alcochete.
28.7.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Ribeiro Telles.
Cavaleiros: João Moura, Rui Salvador, Brito Paes, Manuel Ribeiro Telles Bastos, Duarte Pinto, João Salgueiro da Costa, Antonio Nuncio.
Forcados: Montemor, Evora.
Spain: bullfight in Málaga on Holy Saturday 26.3.2016
Bullfight will be held in Málaga on Holy Saturday 26.3.2016.
Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo.
Bullfighters: Cayetano, Miguel Ángel Perera, Jiménez Fortes.
Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo.
Bullfighters: Cayetano, Miguel Ángel Perera, Jiménez Fortes.
France: novillada in Captieux on 5.6.2016
A novillada will be held in Captieux on 5.6.2016.
Bullranch: El Tajo y La Reina.
Novilleros: Joaquin Galdós, Adrien Salenc, Carlos Ochoa.
Bullranch: El Tajo y La Reina.
Novilleros: Joaquin Galdós, Adrien Salenc, Carlos Ochoa.
Spain: Jerez de la Frontera Feria del Caballo 2016 announced
Jerez de la Frontera Feria del Caballo 2016 has been announced.
5.5.2016. Rejones bullfight.
Bullranch: Fermín Bohórquez.
Rejoneadors: Rui Fernandes, Sergio Galán, Leonardo Hernández, Manuel Manzanares, Lea Vicens, Andrés Romero.
6.5.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Zalduendo.
Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, Alejandro Talavante, López Simón.
7.5.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo.
Bullfighters: Juan José Padilla, José Tomás, José María Manzanares.
5.5.2016. Rejones bullfight.
Bullranch: Fermín Bohórquez.
Rejoneadors: Rui Fernandes, Sergio Galán, Leonardo Hernández, Manuel Manzanares, Lea Vicens, Andrés Romero.
6.5.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Zalduendo.
Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, Alejandro Talavante, López Simón.
7.5.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo.
Bullfighters: Juan José Padilla, José Tomás, José María Manzanares.
Spain: bullfighter José Tomás returns in Jerez
Bullfighter José Tomás returns to Spanish bullrings in Jerez de la Frontera on 7.5.2016. Last time José Tomás fought in Spain was on 23.8.2014. José Tomás vuelve en Jerez José Tomás vuelve en Jerez
Spain: Antonio Nazaré fights six bulls in Dos Hermanas on 30.4.2016
Bullfighter Antonio Nazaré fights six bulls in Dos Hermanas (Sevilla) bullring on 30.4.2016. Bullranch is Torrehandilla-Torreherberos.
France: bullfight in Châteaurenard on 24.7.2016
A bullfight will be held in Châteaurenard on 24.7.2016.
Bullranch: Salvador Domecq.
Bullfighters: Juan Bautista, El Fandi, Thomas Dufau.
Bullranch: Salvador Domecq.
Bullfighters: Juan Bautista, El Fandi, Thomas Dufau.
France: Arzacq 21.2.2016. Novillada without picadors
Arzacq 21.2.2016. Novillada without picadors.
Bullranch: Conde de Mayalde.
Rejoneador and trophy:
Roberto Armendáriz: ovation and two bull´s ears.
Novillero without picadors and trophy:
Baptiste Cissé: one bull´s ear and ovation.
El Rafi: one bull´s ear and ovation.
Bullranch: Conde de Mayalde.
Rejoneador and trophy:
Roberto Armendáriz: ovation and two bull´s ears.
Novillero without picadors and trophy:
Baptiste Cissé: one bull´s ear and ovation.
El Rafi: one bull´s ear and ovation.
Spain: Madrid Vistalegre 21.2.2016. Bullfight
Madrid Vistalegre 21.2.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Juan Pedro Domecq.
Bullfighter and trophy:
David Mora: two bull´s ears, ovation, circuit of the bullring.
Fortes: ovation after a warning, ovation after a warning, ovation after a warning.
David Mora was carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.
Bullring was 2/4 full of spectators.
Bullranch: Juan Pedro Domecq.
Bullfighter and trophy:
David Mora: two bull´s ears, ovation, circuit of the bullring.
Fortes: ovation after a warning, ovation after a warning, ovation after a warning.
David Mora was carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.
Bullring was 2/4 full of spectators.
Spain: Vall d´Alba 21.2.2016. Festival
Vall d´Alba 21.2.2016. Festival.
Bullranch: Victorino Martín.
Bullfighter and trophy:
Rafaelillo: two bull´s ears after a warning.
Serafín Marín: ovation.
Paco Ramos: ovation.
Gómez del Pilar: two bull´s ears.
Fernándo Beltrán: silence after a warning.
Bullring was 1/3 full of spectators.
Bullranch: Victorino Martín.
Bullfighter and trophy:
Rafaelillo: two bull´s ears after a warning.
Serafín Marín: ovation.
Paco Ramos: ovation.
Gómez del Pilar: two bull´s ears.
Fernándo Beltrán: silence after a warning.
Bullring was 1/3 full of spectators.
Spain: Madrid Vistalegre 20.2.2016. Novillada
Madrid Vistalegre 20.2.2016. Novillada.
Bullranch: Daniel Ruiz.
Novillero and trophy:
Álvaro Lorenzo: ovation after two warnings and ovation.
Ginés Marín: ovation after a warning and one bull´s ear.
Varea: silence after a warning and silence.
Bullring was 1/4 full of spectators.
Bullranch: Daniel Ruiz.
Novillero and trophy:
Álvaro Lorenzo: ovation after two warnings and ovation.
Ginés Marín: ovation after a warning and one bull´s ear.
Varea: silence after a warning and silence.
Bullring was 1/4 full of spectators.
Spain: Mairena de Aljarafe 20.2.2016. Festival
Mairena de Aljarafe 20.2.2016. Festival.
Bullranches: Diego Ventura, Juan Pedro Domecq,Virgen María, Los Azores.
Rejoneador and trophy:
Diego Ventura: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears and a tail.
Bullfighter and trophy:
Manuel Jesús "El Cid": one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.
Salvador Cortés: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.
Novillero and trophy:
Manolo Triana: two bull´s ears.
Fourth novillo of the festival was given a circuit of the bullring.
Bullring was full of spectators.
Bullranches: Diego Ventura, Juan Pedro Domecq,Virgen María, Los Azores.
Rejoneador and trophy:
Diego Ventura: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears and a tail.
Bullfighter and trophy:
Manuel Jesús "El Cid": one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.
Salvador Cortés: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.
Novillero and trophy:
Manolo Triana: two bull´s ears.
Fourth novillo of the festival was given a circuit of the bullring.
Bullring was full of spectators.
France: Alès Feria de l´Ascencion bullfights announced
Alès Feria de l´Ascension bullfights have been announced.
7.5.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranches: Yonnet, Dos Hermanas, Jalabert, l´Astarac, Margé, Cuillé.
Bullfighters: Uceda Leal, Manuel Escribano, Thomas Dufau.
8.5.2016. Morning novillada.
Bullranch: Cuillé.
Novillerot: Manolo Vanegas, Alejandro Conquero.
8.5.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Cura de Valverde.
Bullfighters: Octavio Chacón, Alberto Lamelas, Javier Cortés.
7.5.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranches: Yonnet, Dos Hermanas, Jalabert, l´Astarac, Margé, Cuillé.
Bullfighters: Uceda Leal, Manuel Escribano, Thomas Dufau.
8.5.2016. Morning novillada.
Bullranch: Cuillé.
Novillerot: Manolo Vanegas, Alejandro Conquero.
8.5.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Cura de Valverde.
Bullfighters: Octavio Chacón, Alberto Lamelas, Javier Cortés.
Spain: A charity festival against cancer in Almería on 13.3.2016
A charity festival for Asociación Española Contra el Cancer will be held in Almería on 13.3.2016. Festival starts at 12:00.
Bullranches: Diego Ventura, Murube, El Parralejo.
Rejoneador: Diego Ventura.
Bullfighters: Manuel Díaz "El Cordobés", Francisco Rivera "Paquirri", Juan José Padilla, Torres Jerez.
Novillero: José Cabrera.
Bullranches: Diego Ventura, Murube, El Parralejo.
Rejoneador: Diego Ventura.
Bullfighters: Manuel Díaz "El Cordobés", Francisco Rivera "Paquirri", Juan José Padilla, Torres Jerez.
Novillero: José Cabrera.
Spain: Iván Fandiño and Morenito de Aranda mano a mano in Madrid on 27.3.2016
Bullfighters Iván Fandiño and Morenito de Aranda will fight a mano a mano bullfight in Madrid on 27.3.2016. Bullranch is possibly Martín Lorca.
Spain: Requena 14.2.2016. Charity festival
Requena 14.2.2016. Charity festival.
Bullranch; Guadalest.
Rejoneador and trophy:
Manuel Manzanares: ovation.
Bullfighter and trophy:
Juan José Padilla: two bull´s ears.
Francisco Rivera "Paquirri": ovation.
Julio Benítez "El Cordobés": two bull´s ears.
Jesús Duque: two bull´s ears.
Novillero and trophy:
Ginés Marin: one bull´s ear.
Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.
Charity festival was organised for Requena elderly residence.
Weather was cold and windy.
Bullranch; Guadalest.
Rejoneador and trophy:
Manuel Manzanares: ovation.
Bullfighter and trophy:
Juan José Padilla: two bull´s ears.
Francisco Rivera "Paquirri": ovation.
Julio Benítez "El Cordobés": two bull´s ears.
Jesús Duque: two bull´s ears.
Novillero and trophy:
Ginés Marin: one bull´s ear.
Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.
Charity festival was organised for Requena elderly residence.
Weather was cold and windy.
Spain: Alcalá de Henares Corrida Cervantina announced
Alcalá de Henares Corrida Cervantina has been announced.
Alcalá de Henares 23.4.2016.
Bullranch: Victorino Martín.
Bullfighters: Rafaelillo, Manuel Escribano, José Ramón García "Chechu".
Alcalá de Henares 23.4.2016.
Bullranch: Victorino Martín.
Bullfighters: Rafaelillo, Manuel Escribano, José Ramón García "Chechu".
Spain: Madrid Las Ventas bullring has presented the schedule of bullfight season 2016
Madrid Las Ventas bullring has presented the schedule of the bullfight season 2016.
In total 65 bullfights will be held of which 36 are bullfights, 22 are novilladas with picadors, 4 will be rejones bullfights, one will be novillada w/o picadors and one will be a recortes spectacle. Bullfight season starts on 20.3. with a bullfight and ends on 12.10. San Isidro Feria bullfights are programmed between 6.5.-5.6. on 31 consecutive days including Charity bullfight and Press bullfight.
In total 65 bullfights will be held of which 36 are bullfights, 22 are novilladas with picadors, 4 will be rejones bullfights, one will be novillada w/o picadors and one will be a recortes spectacle. Bullfight season starts on 20.3. with a bullfight and ends on 12.10. San Isidro Feria bullfights are programmed between 6.5.-5.6. on 31 consecutive days including Charity bullfight and Press bullfight.
Portugal: Lisbon early bullfight season 2016 bullranches announced
Lisbon early bullfight season 2016 bullranches have been announced. Bullranches are: David Ribeiro Telles, Mário e Herdeiros de Manuel Vinhas, Fernandes de Castro, Murteira Grave, Luís Rocha, Santa María, Varela Crujo, Canas Vigouroux.
Spain: Ciudad Rodrigo 9.2.2016. Novillada
Ciudad Rodrigo 9.2.2016. Novillada.
Bullranch: Garcigrande.
Novillero and trophy:
Ginés Marín: two bull´s ears.
Alejandro Marcos: two bull´s ears.
Daniel García Navarrete: one bull´s ear.
Juan Antonio Pérez Pinto: two bull´s ears.
Novillada was Juan Antonio Pérez Pinto´s debut with picadors.
Bullring was full of spectators.
Bullranch: Garcigrande.
Novillero and trophy:
Ginés Marín: two bull´s ears.
Alejandro Marcos: two bull´s ears.
Daniel García Navarrete: one bull´s ear.
Juan Antonio Pérez Pinto: two bull´s ears.
Novillada was Juan Antonio Pérez Pinto´s debut with picadors.
Bullring was full of spectators.
Spain: Balearic government has taken the task to ban bullfight on the islands
The government of Balearic Islands have taken on the task to ban bullfight on the islands through changes in the law. Legislative proposal to ban bullfight has been approved today by MÉS per Mallorca, PSIB-PSOE and Podem-illes votes. Legislative proposal got 31 yes votes, 21 no votes and 3 abstentions. El Parlamento Balear se compromete a modificar la ley para prohibir los toros. El Parlamento Balear se compromete a modificar la ley para prohibir los toros.
France: Méjanes 23.7.2016 Rejon d´Or announced
Méjanes 23.7.2016 Rejon d´Or rejones bullfight has been announced.
Bullranch: Hnos.Sampedro.
Rejoneadors: Hermoso de Mendoza, Andy Cartagena, Lea Vicens.
Bullranch: Hnos.Sampedro.
Rejoneadors: Hermoso de Mendoza, Andy Cartagena, Lea Vicens.
Spain: Sevilla 3.4.2016 rejones bullfight announced
Sevilla 3.4.2016 rejones bullfight has been announced.
Bullranches: Benitez Cubero, Pallarés.
Rejoneadors: Andy Cartagena, Leonardo Hernández, Roberto Armendáriz, Manuel Manzanares, Andrés Romero.
Bullranches: Benitez Cubero, Pallarés.
Rejoneadors: Andy Cartagena, Leonardo Hernández, Roberto Armendáriz, Manuel Manzanares, Andrés Romero.
Spain: Ciudad Rodrigo 7.2.2016. Festival
Ciudad Rodrigo 7.2.2016. Festival.
Bullranch: José Juan Pérez-Tabernero.
Novillero and trophy:
David Salvador: two bull´s ears.
Alejandro Mora: one bull´s ear.
Jaime Casas: one bull´s ear.
Bullranch: José Juan Pérez-Tabernero.
Novillero and trophy:
David Salvador: two bull´s ears.
Alejandro Mora: one bull´s ear.
Jaime Casas: one bull´s ear.
Spain: Valdemorillo 7.2.2016. Bullfight
Valdemorillo 7.2.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Ana Romero.
Bullfighter and trophy:
Borja Jiménez: ovation after a warning and one bull´s ear after a warning.
Lama de Góngora: silence and silence.
Francisco José Espada: silence and silence.
Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.
Bullranch: Ana Romero.
Bullfighter and trophy:
Borja Jiménez: ovation after a warning and one bull´s ear after a warning.
Lama de Góngora: silence and silence.
Francisco José Espada: silence and silence.
Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.
Spain: Valdemorillo 6.2.2016. Bullfight
Valdemorillo 6.2.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Monte la Ermita.
Bullfighter and trophy:
Luis Antonio Gaspar "Paulita": ovation and two bull´s ears.
Victor Barrio: ovation and one bull´s ear.
Martín Escudero: one bull´s ear and silence after a warning.
Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.
Bullranch: Monte la Ermita.
Bullfighter and trophy:
Luis Antonio Gaspar "Paulita": ovation and two bull´s ears.
Victor Barrio: ovation and one bull´s ear.
Martín Escudero: one bull´s ear and silence after a warning.
Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.
Spain: Ciudad Rodrigo 6.2.2016. Festival
Ciudad Rodrigo 6.2.2016. Festival.
Bullranch: Garcigrande.
Bullfighter and trophy:
Juan Diego: one bull´s ear.
César Jiménez: circuit of the bullring after three warnings.
Juan del Álamo: one bull´s ear.
Novillero and trophy:
Álvaro Lorenzo: ovation.
Bullring was full of spectators.
Bullranch: Garcigrande.
Bullfighter and trophy:
Juan Diego: one bull´s ear.
César Jiménez: circuit of the bullring after three warnings.
Juan del Álamo: one bull´s ear.
Novillero and trophy:
Álvaro Lorenzo: ovation.
Bullring was full of spectators.
Spain: Olivenza Feria 2016 bullfights announced
Olivenza Feria 2016 bullfights have been announced.
4.3.2016. Novillada. Bullranch: El Freixo. Novilleros: Joaquin Galdós, Leo Valadez, David Bolsico.
5.3.2016. Morning novillada. Bullranch: Talavante. Novilleros: Ginés Marín, Juanito, Alfonso Cadaval.
5.3.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Garcigrande. Bullfighters: Diego Urdiales, Miguel Ángel Perera, Alejandro Talavante.
6.3.2016. Morning bullfight. Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo. Bullfighters: Joselito Adame, José Garrido, Roca Rey.
6.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Zalduendo. Bullfighters: Enrique Ponce, Manzanares, López Simón.
4.3.2016. Novillada. Bullranch: El Freixo. Novilleros: Joaquin Galdós, Leo Valadez, David Bolsico.
5.3.2016. Morning novillada. Bullranch: Talavante. Novilleros: Ginés Marín, Juanito, Alfonso Cadaval.
5.3.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Garcigrande. Bullfighters: Diego Urdiales, Miguel Ángel Perera, Alejandro Talavante.
6.3.2016. Morning bullfight. Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo. Bullfighters: Joselito Adame, José Garrido, Roca Rey.
6.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Zalduendo. Bullfighters: Enrique Ponce, Manzanares, López Simón.
Spain: Seville bullfight season 2016 bullfights announced
Seville bullfight season 2016 bullfights have been announced. Bullfight season starts on 27.3.2016 and ends on 25.9.2016.
27.3.2016. Resurrection Sunday bullfight. Bullranch: Garcigrande. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, José Maria Manzanares, Alejandro Talavante.
Feria de Abril.
3.4.2016. Rejones bullfight. Bullranch: Benítez Cubero. Six rejoneadors.
4.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Tornay. Bullfighters: Esaú Fernández, Jiménez Fortes, Borja Jiménez.
5.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Torrestrella. Bullfighters: Miguel Ángel Delgado, Pepe Moral, Javier Jiménez.
6.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Las Ramblas. Bullfighters: Miguel Abellán, Daniel Luque, Joselito Adame.
7.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: El Pilar. Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella, López Simón (mano a mano).
8.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Victoriano del Río. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, EL Juli, Miguel Ángel Perera.
9.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Juan Pedro Domecq. Bullfighters: Enrique Ponce, José María Manzanares, Roca Rey.
10.4.2016. Rejones bullfight. Bullranch: Bóhorquez. Rejoneadors: Rui Fernandes or Andy Cartagena, Diego Ventura, Lea Vicens.
11.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Jandilla. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, Diego Urdiales, López Simón.
12.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Daniel Ruiz. Bullfighters: El Cid, David Mora, Daniel Luque.
13.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Victorino Martín. Bullfighters: Morenito de Aranda, Manuel Escribano, Paco Ureña.
14.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo. Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella, Manzanares, José Garrido.
15.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, El Juli, Roca Rey.
16.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Fuente Ymbro. Bullfighters: Finito de Córdoba, Juan José Padilla, El Fandi.
17.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Miura. Bullfighters: Rafaelillo, Javier Castaño, Manuel Escribano.
Feria de San Miguel.
24.9.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Hnos. García Jiménez. Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella, Manzanares, López Simón.
25.9.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Alcurrucén. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, Diego Urdiales, Roca Rey.
27.3.2016. Resurrection Sunday bullfight. Bullranch: Garcigrande. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, José Maria Manzanares, Alejandro Talavante.
Feria de Abril.
3.4.2016. Rejones bullfight. Bullranch: Benítez Cubero. Six rejoneadors.
4.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Tornay. Bullfighters: Esaú Fernández, Jiménez Fortes, Borja Jiménez.
5.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Torrestrella. Bullfighters: Miguel Ángel Delgado, Pepe Moral, Javier Jiménez.
6.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Las Ramblas. Bullfighters: Miguel Abellán, Daniel Luque, Joselito Adame.
7.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: El Pilar. Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella, López Simón (mano a mano).
8.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Victoriano del Río. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, EL Juli, Miguel Ángel Perera.
9.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Juan Pedro Domecq. Bullfighters: Enrique Ponce, José María Manzanares, Roca Rey.
10.4.2016. Rejones bullfight. Bullranch: Bóhorquez. Rejoneadors: Rui Fernandes or Andy Cartagena, Diego Ventura, Lea Vicens.
11.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Jandilla. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, Diego Urdiales, López Simón.
12.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Daniel Ruiz. Bullfighters: El Cid, David Mora, Daniel Luque.
13.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Victorino Martín. Bullfighters: Morenito de Aranda, Manuel Escribano, Paco Ureña.
14.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo. Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella, Manzanares, José Garrido.
15.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, El Juli, Roca Rey.
16.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Fuente Ymbro. Bullfighters: Finito de Córdoba, Juan José Padilla, El Fandi.
17.4.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Miura. Bullfighters: Rafaelillo, Javier Castaño, Manuel Escribano.
Feria de San Miguel.
24.9.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Hnos. García Jiménez. Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella, Manzanares, López Simón.
25.9.2016. Bullfight. Bullranch: Alcurrucén. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, Diego Urdiales, Roca Rey.
Spain: Valdermorillo 5.2.2016. Rejones bullfight
Valdemorillo 5.2.2016. Rejones bullfight.
Novillobulls: Rocío de la Cámara, Cortijo de la Sierra.
Rubén Sánchez: one bull´s ear and ovation.
Manuel Manzanares: one bull´s ear and ovation.
Juan Manuel Munera: ovation and two bull´s ears.
Juan Manuel Munera was carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders.
Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.
Novillobulls: Rocío de la Cámara, Cortijo de la Sierra.
Rubén Sánchez: one bull´s ear and ovation.
Manuel Manzanares: one bull´s ear and ovation.
Juan Manuel Munera: ovation and two bull´s ears.
Juan Manuel Munera was carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders.
Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.
Spain: Cantabria parliament says yes to bullfights
Cantabria parliament has rejected a bill by Podemos to ban bullfights in Cantabria. PP, PRC and Ciudadanos voted against the legislative amendment and PSOE abstained from voting saying bullfight is important cultural and artistic part of Spanish heritage. Ciudadanos answered to Podemos claim about anacrhronism of bullfighting by saying bullfight is very present in Cantabria as can be seen in Feria de Santiago bullfights in Santander and in Ampuero bullruns. According to Ciudadanos banning bullfight would be inappropriate of a civilized country.
Aplausos: El Parlamento de Cantabria dice sí a los toros.
Aplausos: El Parlamento de Cantabria dice sí a los toros.
Spain: Chopera has requested to organize San Sebastián´s Semana Grande bullfights
Casa Chopera has requested to organize San Sebastián´s Semana Grande bullfights in 2016. Town Hall decision will be given in March or Abril. San Sebastián Illumbe arena has a public price and anyone who requests the use of Illumbe arena has the right to use it provided the activity is legal.
Aplausos: La Casa Chopera pide la reserva de la plaza de Illumbe
Aplausos: La Casa Chopera pide la reserva de la plaza de Illumbe
Portugal: Mourão 1.2.2016. Festival
Mourão 1.2.2016. Festival.
Bullranch: Murteira Grave.
Cavaleiro and award:
Rui Fernandes: circuit of the bullring.
Bullfighter and award:
Finito de Córdoba: circuit of the bullring.
Juan José Padilla: two circuits of the bullring.
Juan Bautista: circuit of the bullring.
Fernando Robleño: circuit of the bullring.
Manuel Dias Gomes: circuit of the bullring.
Bullring was full of spectators.
Bullranch: Murteira Grave.
Cavaleiro and award:
Rui Fernandes: circuit of the bullring.
Bullfighter and award:
Finito de Córdoba: circuit of the bullring.
Juan José Padilla: two circuits of the bullring.
Juan Bautista: circuit of the bullring.
Fernando Robleño: circuit of the bullring.
Manuel Dias Gomes: circuit of the bullring.
Bullring was full of spectators.
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