

Portugal: Almeirim 29.5.2016. Bullfight

Almeirim 29.5.2016. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Murteira Grave.

Cavaleiro and award:

João Salgueiro da Costa: circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: João Grave (GFA Santarém): succeeded on first attempt, circuit of the bullring.

António Telles: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: Joao Romão Tavares (GFA Montemor): succeeded on first attempt, circuit of the bullring.
Luís Sepúlveda (GFA Santarém): didn´t do circuit of the bullring which had been granted.

João Salgueiro: circuit of the bullring. Didn´t do circuit of the bullring which had been granted.
Forcados: Lourenço Ribeiro (GFA Santarém): succeeded on second attempt, circuit of the bullring.
Manuel Dentinho (GFA Montemor): succeeded on second attempt, didn´t do circuit of the bullrin which had been granted.

João Telles Jr. circuit f the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: Francisco Borges (GFA Montemor): succeeded on first attempt, circuit of the bullring.
António Gois (GFA Santarém): succeeded on first attempt, circuit of the bullring.

João Salgueiro da Costa took alternativa in this bullfight.