

Portugal: Lisbon 13.7.2017. Mista bullfight

Lisbon 13.7.2017. Mista bullfight.

Bullranches: Charrua, Benjumea, García Jiménez, Juan Pedro Domecq.

Rejoneador: Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza: circuit of the bullring, circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.

Forcados: Francisco Bissáia Barreto; succeeded on second attempt: circuit of the bullring, João de Cámara succeeded on fifth attempt: circuit of the bullring and Francisco Borges succeeded on the first attempt: circuit of the bullring.


José María Manzanares: did not do circuit of the bullring, two circuits of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.

Bullring was 2/3 full of spectators.