

Portugal: Moura 16.7.2017. Bullfight

Moura 16.7.2017. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Santiago, Calejo Pires, Pinto Barreiros, Lapreia, Monte Cadema, Maria Guiomar Cortes.


Antonio Ribeiro Telles: hit great ferros on his first bull. On his second bull cavaleiro had to fight the bull on bull´s terrain.

Luis Rouxinol:  cavaleiro did not understand his first bull. On his second bull cavaleiro used all of his knowledge to try to fight the bull.

João Telles Jr: cavaleiro hit two great ferros on his first bull. On his second bull cavaleiro fought a better fight.


Vila Franca de Xira: Francisco Faria succeeded at the fourth attempt, Márcio Francisco succeeded at the first attempt.
Real Grupo de Forcados de Moura: João Caeiro succeeded at the third attempt, Rui Branquinho at the second attempt and Cláudio Pereira at the first attempt.