

Portugal: Abiul 5.8.2017. Bullfight

Abiul 5.8.2017. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Prudêncio.


Andy Cartagena: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Forcado: João Pedro Oliveira (GF Évora): circuit of the bullring.
Salvador Pinto Coelho (GF Aposento da Moita): circuit of the bullring.

Manuel Telles Bastos: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: Miguel Fernandes (GF Aposento da Moita): circuit of the bullring.
Dinis Caeiro (GFA Évora): circuit of the bullring.
Bullrancher: circuit of the bullring.

Marcos Bastinhas: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Salvador Pinto Coelho (GF Aposento da Moita): circuit of the bullring.
João Ventura: (GF Aposento da Moita): circuit of the bullring.

Bullring was 2/4 full of spectators.