

Portugal: Lisbon 5.4.2018. Bullfight

Lisbon 5.4.2018. Bullfight

Bullranch: Antonio Silva.

Rui Fernandes: silence and circuit of the bullring.
 Forcados: Francisco Graciosa (GFA Santarém): silence.
 João da Câmara (GFA Montemor): circuit of the bullring.

João Moura Jr: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
 Forcados: António Vacas de Carvalho (GFA Santarém): circuit of the bullring.
 António Taurino (GFA Santarém): circuit of the bullring.

João Telles Jr: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
 Forcados: Lourenço Ribeiro (GFA Santarém): circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
 Francisco Bissaia Barreto (GFA Montemor): circuit of the bullring.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.