

Portugal: Lisbon 10.9.2020. Bullfight

 Lisbon 10.9.2020. Bullfight. Bullranch: Vinhas. Cavaleiro: Antonio Ribeiro Telles: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring. Forcados: Bruno Amaro (GFA Aposento do Barrete Verde de Alcochete): circuit of the bullring and João Amândio (GFA Aposento Barrete Verde de Alcochete): circuit of the bullring. Cavaleiro: Francisco Palha: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring. Forcados: Filipe Ribeiro (GFA Alter do Chão): circuit of the bullring not permitted. João Moreno (GFA Alter do Chão): circuit of the bullring was not permitted. Cavaleiro: Antonio João Ferreira: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring. Forcados: João Amandio (GFA Aposento Barrete Verde de Alcochete): circuit of the bullring. Bullrancher: circuit of the bullring on fourth bull.

Bullring was 2/3 full of the permitted capacity.