

Portugal: Chamusca 3.10.2020. Bullfight

 Chamusca 3.10.2020. Bullfight. Bullranch: D.Ribeiro Telles. Cavaleiros: Ana Batista: circuit of the bullring, circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring. Forcados: João Narciso (GFA Chamusca): circuit of the bullring not permitted. David Silva (GFA Chamusca): circuit of the bullring. 

Cavaleiro: João Ribeiro Telles: circuit of the bullring, circuit of the bullring, circuit of the bullring. Forcados: Francisco Andrade (GFA Aposento de Chamusca): circuit of the bullring was not permitted. João Saraiva and Frederico Abreu (GFA Aposento de Chamusca). circuit of the bullring. João Salgueiro (GFA do Aposento da Chamusca): circuit of the bullring.