

Spain: Bullfighter Morante de la Puebla´s bullfight season 2014 plans.

Bullfighter Morante de la Puebla is planning a bullfight season 2014 of no more than thirty bullfights the bullfighter has declared recently.
A special advertising campaign will be designed by a sponsor to announce every bullfight.

Spain: Sevilla Feria de Abril 2014 bullfight bullranches announced.

Bullranches for Sevilla bullfight season first bullfight 2014 and Sevilla Feria de Abril 2014 bullfights are: Juan Pedro Domecq, Miura, San Mateo y San Pelayo, Daniel Ruiz, Victorino Martín, Montalvo, Victoriano del Rio, Jandilla, Fermín Bohórquez, Torrestrella, Garcigrande, El Pilar and Fuente Ymbro.

Bullfights begin on 20.4.2014. Bullfighters have not been announced yet.


Spain: Almería 22.12.2013. Bullfight school practical lesson.

Almería 22.12.2013. Bullfight school practical lesson.

Bullranch: San Miguel.

Student and trophy: 

Emilio Gimeno (Almería Bullfight school): circuit of the bullring.
Jaime Casas (Moralzarzal Bullfight school): two bull´s ears.
Sergio Chavez (Almería Bullfight school): circuit of the bullring.
Parrita Chico: (Murcia Bullfight school): ovation after two warnings.
Álvaro Gamo ( Guadalajara Bullfight school): one bull´s ear. 
José Magaña (Almería Bullfight school): one bull´s ear.


Spain: Olivenza Feria 2014 bullfight dates.

Olivenza Feria 2014 bullfight dates are 8.3. and 9.3.2014.
Bullfighters and bullranches have not been announced yet.

Olivenza Feria will take place on 6.3, 7.3, 8.3. and 9.3.2014.

Spain: Bullfighter Juan Diego has new manager.

Julián Alonso is the new manager of bullfighter Juan Diego.
Juan Diego is the president of the bullfighters union.

Spain: National plan for protection and promotion of bullfight approved.

National plan for protection and promotion of bullfight (PENTAURO, Plan Estratégico Nacional de Tauromaquia) has been aproved by National comittee of bullfight affairs on 19th of December.

The function of  the new plan is to ensure the free exercise and promotion of bullfight in Spain.


France: Arlés bullfight season 2014 dates and bullranches.

Arlés bullfight season 2014 dates have been announced.

Féria de Pâques 2014 bullfight dates are: 18.4 - 21.4.2014.
Féria du Riz 2014 bullfight dates are: 12.9 - 14.9.2014.

Bullranches for the season 2014 are: Domingo Hernández, Robert Marge, José Luis Pereda, San Mateo, Miura, La Quinta and Murube.

Bullfighters will be announced on 25.1.2014.