

Spain: Valencia 11.3.2014. Novillada.

Valencia 11.3.2014. Novillada.

Bullranch: El Torreón.

Novillero and trophy:

Posada de Maravillas: circuit of the bullring and ovation.
Álvaro Lorenzo: ovation and ovation after warning.
Cristian Climent: ovation after two warnings and one bull´s ear.

Novillada was Cristian Climent´s debut with picadors.

Bullring was 1/3 full.

Spain: Sevilla bullfight season 2014 novilladas have been announced.

Sevilla bullfight season 2014 novilladas have been announced.

18.5.2014. Novillada.
Bullranch: Cayetano Muñoz.
Novilleros: Juan Ortega, Posada de Maravillas, Lama de Góngora.

25.5.2014. Novillada
Bullranch: Villamarta.
Novilleros: Fernando Rey, Miguel Ángel León, El Manriqueño.

1.6.2014. Novillada.
Bullranch: Fuente Ymbro.
Novilleros: Fernando Beltrán, Borja Jiménez, José Garrido.

15.6.2014. Novillada.
Bullranch: Javier Molina.
Novilleros: Mario Diéguez, Tomás Campos, Juan Pablo Llaguno.

22.6.2014. Novillada.
Bullranch: Excmo Sr. Conde de la Maza.
Novilleros: Manuel Dias Gomes, Tomás Angulo, David de Miranda.

Spain: El Capea in charity bullfight for Spanish Red Cross in Vitigudino on 16.8.2014.

Bullfighter El Capea will fight a charity bullfight for Spanish Red Cross in Vitigudino on 16.8.2014. Bullranch is Victorino Martín.


Spain: a novillada without picadors added to Castellón La Magdalena 2014 bullfights.

A novillada without picadors has been added to Castellón La Magdalena 2014 bullfights.

27.3.2014. Novillada without picadors.
Bullranch: Conde de Mayalde.
Novilleros: Adrián Henche, Iván Jiménez, Sedano Vázquez.

Spain: Blanca 9.3.2014. Festival.

Blanca 9.3.2014. Festival.

Bullranches: Jandilla, El Parralejo, Guadaira, Torrestrella, Fuente Ymbro, La Luna.

Bullfighter and trophy:

"Finito de Córdoba": two bull´s ears.
Curro Diaz: two bull´s ears.
Paco Ureña: two bull´s ears.
Daniel Luque: two bull´s ears and a tail.
Pablo Belando: two bull´s ears.

Festival for the benefit of a Virgen de los Dolores nursing home.

Spain: El Álamo 9.3.2014. Bullfight.

El Álamo 9.3.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranch: José Luís Iniesta.

Bullfigter and trophy.

"El Cordobés":  one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.
"El Fandi": one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.
Carbellido Colomo: silence and ovation.


France: Nîmes 9.3.2014. Afternoon novillada without picadors.

Nîmes 9.3.2014. Afternoon novillada without picadors.

Bullranch: Los Galos.

Novillero and trophy:

Louis Husson: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.
Andy Younès: ovation after a warning and circuit of the bullring after two warnings.
Joaquin Lucas: circuit of the bullring after a warning and one bull´s ear after a warning.