

France: Parentis-en-Born 2014 novilladas announced.

Parentis-en-Born year 2014 novilladas have been announced.

9.8.2014. Novillada.
Bullranch: Guardiola Fantoni.
Novilleros: Diego Fernández, Curro de la Casa, César Valencia.

10.8.2014. Morning novillada.
Bullranch: Marqués de Albaserrada.
Novilleros: Tulio Salgueiro, Daniel Crespo.

10.8.2014. Afternoon novillada.
Bullranch: Hubert Yonnet.
Novilleros: Luís Gerpe, Vicente Soler, Guillermo Valencia.


Portugal: Vila Franca de Xira 4.5.2014. Bullfight.

Vila Franca de Xira 4.5.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Veiga Teixeira.


Sónia Matias: was not lucky with ferros but hit well five curtos.
Ana Batista: good bullfight, understood well bull´s areas on the bullring.
Brito Paes: great third ferro.
Paulo Jorge Santos: hit great third ferro comprido and second curto.
Marcelo Mendes: hit well two compridos and two curtos.
Jacobo Botero: moved bull well on the arena.


Amadores de Vila Franca: Ricardo Castelo, Bruno Casquinha, Márcio Francisco succeeded on first pega.
Amadores de Coruche: José Marques, José Sousa succeeded on first pega and Ricardo Dias on second.

Portugal: João Salgueiro da Costa´s alternativa.

João Salgueiro da Costa will take his alternativa in Coruche on 17.8.2014. Bullfight is completed with João Salgueiro, who has suspended his season, Antonio Telles and Forcados Amadores de Coruche.

Spain: Sevilla 4.5.2014. Rejones bullfight.

Sevilla 4.5.2014. Rejones bullfight.

Bullranch: Fermín Bohórquez.

Rejoneador and trophy:

Andy Cartagena: silence and silence after warning.
Diego Ventura: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.
Andrés Romero: ovation and two bull´s ears.

Diego Ventura was carried out of the bullring through Puerta del Principe on spectators shoulders.
Andrés Romero was carried out of the bullring to Patio de Cuadrillas.

Bullfight was Andrés Romero´s alternativa.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Madrid 4.5.2014. Bullfight.

Madrid 4.5.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Juan Manuel Criado, Sánchez Herrero, Aurelio Hernando.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Javier Herrero: silence and ovation after warning.
Chechu: silence and whistles after warning.
Miguel Tendero: one bull´s ear and ovation.

Javier Herrero confirmed his alternativa.

Bullring was 1/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Granada 4.5.2014. Charity festival for Granadown.

Granada 4.5.2014. Charity festival for Granadown.

Novillobulls: Castilblanco for rejones and Enrique Ponce for bullfight.

Rejoneador and trophy:

Leonardo Hernández: two bull´s ears.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Manuel Díaz "El Cordobés": two bull´s ears.
Manuel Jesús "El Cid": two bull´s ears and a tail.
David Fandila "El Fandi": two bull´s ears and a tail.
Daniel Luque: two bull´s ears after warning.

Novillero and trophy:

Román: one bull´s ear.

Bullring was 2/4 full of spectators.

France: Palavas 4.5.2014. Bullfight.

Palavas 4.5.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Robert Margé.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Antonio Ferrera: one bull´s ear, silence and one bull´s ear.
Manolo Escribano: one bull´s ear, silence and two bull´s ears and a tail.

Bullfights sixth bull was pardoned by the president due to bull´s bravery.

Bullring was 3/4 full.