

France: Beziers 15.8.2014. Bullfight.

Beziers 15.8.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Robert Margé.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Enrique Ponce: silence and silence.
Juan Bautista: ovation and one bull´s ear after warning.
Sebastián Castella: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.

Sebastián Castella was carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

France: Dax 15.8.2014. Bullfight.

Dax 15.8.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Torrestrella.

Juan José Padilla: silence and silence.
Daniel Luque: ovation and two bull´s ears after warning.
David Galván: silence after warning and silence after warning.

Bullring was full of spectators.

France: Dax 15.8.2014. Morning bullfight.

Dax 15.8.2014. Morning bullfight.

Bullranch: Garcigrande.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Morante de la Puebla: ovation and ovation after two warnings.
José María Manzanares: one bull´s ear and two bull´s ears.
Juan Leal: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.

José María Manzanares and Juan Leal were carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.

Bullring was full of spectators.

Portugal: Abiúl 14.8.2014. Bullfight.

Abiúl 14.8.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranch: António Silva.


Rui Fernandes: great ferros on good first bull. On second bull the bullfight was almost perfect, spectators gave standing ovation after every ferro. Great remates.
Forcados: Amadores de Montermor´s João Braga succeeded on first pega on first bull. On fourth bull Amadores de Vila Franca´s Bruno Casquinha succeeded on second pega.

Vitor Ribeiro: good bullfight on first bull with good curtos. Two final curtos were great. On bullfight´s fifth bull cavaleiro hit good ferros.
Forcados: Amadores de Vila Franca´s David Moreira succeeded on fourth pega on first bull. On bullfight´s fifth bull Amadores de Montemor´s Manuel Ramalho succeeded on first pega.

João Telles Jr.: first bull was the heaviest bull of the bullfight with 625kg. Cavaleiro hit correct ferros. On sixth bull cavaleiro hit three bandarilhas violino style.
Forcados: Amadores de Montemor´s Filipe Mendes succeeded on first pega on third bull. Amadores de Vila Franca´s Rui Godinho succeeded on first pega on bullfight´s sixth bull.

Bullfight was sold out.


Portugal: Alcochete 14.8.2014. Bullfight.

Alcochete 14.8.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Samuel Lupi.

Cavaleiro and trophy:

Rui Fernandes: great ovation on both bull´s.
João Moura Jr.: great bullfight on first bull.
João Telles Jr.: great ferros on second bull.


Amadores de Barrete Verde de Alcochete: João Salvacão received great ovation.

Spain: Málaga 14.8.2014. Novillada.

Málaga 14.8.2014. Novillada.

Bullranch: Santiago Domecq.

Novillero and trophy:

Joao Pedro Ganchas: one bull´s ear.
Antonio Moscoso: one bull´s ear.
Fran Ferrer: ovation.
Javier Orozco: two bull´s ear.
José Antonio Lavado: two bull´s ears.
Alejandro González: one bull´s ear.

France: Beziers 14.8.2014. Bullfight.

Beziers 14.8.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Daniel Ruiz.

Bullfighter and trophy:

El Juli: silence and one bull´s ear after warning.
Sebastián Castella: ovation after warning and silence after warning.
José María Manzanares: silence after warning and two bull´s ears after warning.

Bullring was full of spectators.