

Portugal: Santarém 26.10.2014. Bullfight.

Santarém 26.10.2014. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Falé Filipe, Lopes Branco, Manuel Veiga, António Silva, Conde Cabral.


Joaquim Bastinhas: correct well fought bullfight.
Sónia Matias: complicated bull wich was impossible to fight.
Pedro Salvador: hit spectacular curtos.
Filipe Gonçalves: good bullfight. Hit two violinos.
Marcelo Mendes: received the bull in front of toril. Hit two great bandarilhas.

Cavaleira praticante:

Mara Pimenta: got spectators attention fast. Fell off a horse once without consecuences. Hit great curtos.


Forcados Amadores de Santarem´s António Góis succeeded on first pega and João Grave on second pega.
Forcados Amadores de Evora´s João Pedro Oliveira succeeded on third pega, Ricardo Sousa on fourth pega and João Madeira on on fourth pega.

France: Gimeaux 26.10.2014. Festival.

Gimeaux 26.10.2014. Festival.

Bullranch: La Cravenco.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Frascuelo: one bull´s ear and circuit of the bullring.
Camille Juan: silence and silence.

Bullring was full of spectators.


Spain: Bous al carrer record in Valencia in 2014.

According to Valencian Community Government an all time record of bous al carrer events have taken place in Valencia Community with 7052 events in 2014 compared to 6139 events in 2013.


Spain: Madrid Las Ventas bullring celebrates 80th birthday today.

Madrid Las Ventas bullring celebrates 80th birthday today. Bullring was opened on 21.10.2014. Bullfighters were Juan Belmonte, Marcial Lalanda, Cagancho. Bullranch was Carmen de Federico. Juan Belmonte was awarded with two bull´s ears and a tail. Las Ventas bullring replaced bullring situated in calle Goya where Madrid Palacio de Deportes stands today. This bullring was known as Carretera de Aragón bullring. Goya bullring was preceded by Casa Puerta bullring which was opened in 1737. Before Casa Puerta bullring bullfights took place in Madrid´s Plaza Mayor.


Spain: Tentadero for Lucía.

Bullfighters Fernando Robleño, Javier Castaño, Joselillo and novilleros Ricardo Maldonado and Alexis Sendín have offered a charity tentadero in Simancas bullring on 19.10. for five years old Lucía who suffers of severe visual damage. Bulls were offered by bullranches Hermanos Mayoral, Ricardo Fernández, Adelaida Rodríguez, Toros de Tierz and Matias Carretero. Picadors were Pedro Iturralde, Jesús González "Suso" and David Picón.

Entrance fee was 5 euros. Tentadero raised 5416 euros for Lucía.


Spain: Estremera 19.10.2014. Novillada.

Estremera 19.10.2014. Novillada.

Bullranch: José María López.

Novillero and trophy:

Abel Robles: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.
David White "El Irlandés": one bull´s ear and silence.

France: Beziers 19.10.2014. Festival.

Beziers 19.10.2014. Festival.

Bullranches: Andrés Castella, Robert Margé, José María Lopez.

Novillero and trophy:

Carlos Olsina: one bull´s ear.
El Luri: ovation.
João Machado: ovation

Bullfighter and trophy:

Juan Bautista: two bull´s ears and a tail.
Manuel Escribano: ovation.
Cayetano Ortiz: one bull´s ear.

Fourth novillo of the festival was awarded with a circuit of the bullring.