

Spain: new bullranch in Spain.

New bullranch Toros de Medinaceli has been founded in Spain. The origin of the bulls is Aldeanueva. Bullranch was formed by buying El Portón bullranch. Bullranch mark is old gold and green. Earmark is in the left ear. Bulls pasture in Titulcia (Madrid) and Talavera de la Reina.


France: Bayonne 2015 bullfight dates announced.

Bayonne 2015 bullfight dates have been announced.

Feria des Fêtes: 1.8 - 2.8.2015.
Corrida de gala: 15.8.2015.
Feria de l´atlantique: 5.9 - 6.9.2015.


France: Rion des Landes 23.11.2014. Fiesta Campera.

Rion des Landes 23.11.2014. Fiesta Campera.

Bullranches: Jalabert, Camino de Santiago.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Curro Díaz: two bull´s ears.
Mehdi Savalli: two bull´s ears.
Juan Leal: two bull´s ears.

Novillero and trophy:

Louis Husson: two bull´s ears

Novillero without picadors and trophy:

Pablo Aguado: two bull´s ears and a tail.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

Fiesta Campera´s fifth novillo was granted a circuit of the bullring.


Spain: Celestino Cuadri bullranch bulls.

Celestino Cuadri bullranch bulls will be fought on 2015 in Madrid, Valencia, Zaragoza, Azpeitia and Dax.

France: Victorino Martín in Saint-Sever on 14.5.2014.

Victorino Martín bulls will be fought in traditional Ascencion bullfight in Saint-Sever on 14.5.2014 according to Sud-Ouest newspaper. Bullfight could be corrida mixte, with two novilleros and one bullfighter.


Spain: new manager of Serafín Marín.

José Antonio Campuzano is the new manager of bullfighter Serafín Marín.


France: bullfighter Marco Leal changes career to banderillero

Bullfighter Marco Leal changes career to banderillero on the bullfight season 2015.