

France: new manager for bullfighter Thomas Dufau

Bullfighter Thomas Dufau´s new manager is Lionel Buisson.

France: bullrancher Victorino Martín awarded in Bordeaux

Bullrancher Victorino Martín has been awarded in Bordeux by Club Taurin Toro-Sport. Spanish Consul to Bordeaux and Toro-Sport Honorary President Germán Zurita y Sáenz de Navarrete was present at the ceremony.

Spain: Salvador Cortés with six bulls in Ecija on 28.2.2015

Bullfighter Salvador Cortés fights alone a six bull bullfight in Ecija on 28.2.2015.
Bullranch has not been announced yet.


Spain: bullfighter Manuel Escribano´s charity tentadero

Bullfighter Manuel Escribano has organised a public charity tentadero on Hermanos Pérez Villena bullranch. Manuel Escribano fought two cows for oncology department of Hospital Niño Jesus de Madrid.

Spain: number of bullfights in Madrid Las Ventas bullring in 2015

Madrid San Isidro Feria 2015 consist of  22 bullfights, 3 novilladas with picadors, 4 rejones bullfights, Press and Charity bullfight.

Bullfights begin in Madrid Las Ventas bullring on 29th of March and continues until 12th of October.
In total 35 bullfights, 23 novilladas with picadors, 4 rejones bullfights, one novillada without picadors and one recortador show are programmed for the year 2015.


Spain: Valdemorillo Feria de San Blas 2015 bullfights announced

Valdemorillo Feria de San Blas 2015 bullfights have been announced.

6.2.2015. Novillada.
Bullranches: Juan Pedro Domecq, Albarreal.
Novilleros: Ángel Jiménez, Martín Escudero, Borja Jiménez.

7.2.2014. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Domínguez Camacho.
Bullfighters: Curro Díaz, Eduardo Gallo, Arturo Saldivar.

8.2.2014. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Cebada Gago.
Bullfighters: Antonio Gaspar "Paulita", Manuel Escribano, Victor Barrio.


Spain: number of bullfights has increased in the Region of Murcia

Number of bullfights has increased in the Region of Murcia in the year 2014 when 44 bullfights were held compared to the year 2013 when 33 bullfights were held. Of the bullfights seven were bullfights, ten were novilladas with picadors, one was novillada without picadors, one was rejones bullfight, five were becerradas, one was comic show and nine were mixed bullfights.