

Portugal: Two festivals in Mourão

Two festivals has been announced in Mourão.

Mourão 31.1.2016.
Novilhos: Murteira Grave.
Cavaleiro: Rui Fernandes.
Bullfighters: Finito de Córdoba, Juan José Padilla, Fernando Robleño, Paco Ureña, Manuel Dias Gomes.
Forcados: Amadores de Santarém.

Mourão 1.2.2016.
Novilhos: António Brito Paes, Falé Filipe, Joaquim Brito Paes, Passanha Sobral, Murteira Grave.
Cavaleiros: António Brito Paes, Francisco Palha, João Salgueiro da Costa.
Bullfighter: Paco Velásquez.
Novilheiros: Juan Carlos Carballo, Paula Santos.
Forcados: Amadores de Monsaraz.


Spain: Valdemorillo Feria 2016 bullfight dates announced

Valdemorillo Feria 2016 bullfight dates have been announced. Bullfights will take place from 5 to 7.2.2016. Feria consist of two bullfights and one rejones bullfight.

Spain: Sebastián Castella, López Simón, mano a mano in Ledesma on 29.5.2016

Sebastián Castella and López Simón will fight a mano a mano bullfight in Ledesma on 29.5.2016 Bullranch is El Pilar.


Spain: Valencia bullfight museum

Valencia bullfight museum has had 10000 more visits in the year 2015 than in the year 2014. Total visits in the year 2015 have been 38843.
Valencia bullfight museum is open tuesday to saturday 10 am to 18 pm. Monday and Sunday the museum is open 10 am to 14 pm.

Spain: Gold medal for merit in the arts 2015 for rejoneador Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza

Rejoneador Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza has been awarded with the gold medal for merit in the arts. Medal is proposed by ministry of education, culture and sports and given by cabinet council.


Spain: A charity tentadero for Red Cross in Torrejón de Ardoz

A charity tentadero has been organised today in Torrejón de Ardoz for Spanish Red Cross. Bullfighters in the tentadero were Ortega Cano, Juan Mora, Eugenio de Mora, Morenito de Aranda and novillero Amor Rodríguez. Bullranches were Zacarías Moreno and Ángel Luís Peña. Music was played by violin Marcos Nuñez, by guitar Antonio Andújar and sung by cantaor Paco Orellana.


France: Novillada and novillada without picadors in Samadet on 12.3 and 13.3.2016

Novillada and novillada without picadors in Samadet on 12.3. and 13.3.2016.

Samadet 12.3.2016.
Bullranches: Philippe Cuillé, Alma Serena.
Novilleros without picadors: El Rafi, Antoine Madier, Tomás Úbeda, Pierre Mailhan.

Samadet 13.3.2016.
Bullranch: Sayalero y Bandrés.
Novilleros: Tibo García, Carlos Navarro, Manolo Vanegas.