

Spain: Alfarero de Plata contest

Villaseca de Sagra´s III Alfarero de Plata contest will be held every saturday from 2.4. to 30.4.2016. The final will be held 14.5.2016


Spain: Catalonia´s future culture minister is a bullfight aficionado

Catalonia´s future culture minister Santi Vila is a well known bullfight aficionado. Santi Vila goes to bullfights regularly in French Catalonia because bullfights have been banned in Spanish Catalonia. Santi Vila has been critical against Catalonian bullfight ban asking what right Catalonia´s government has to ban an tradition.

Santi Vila says he goes to bullfights in French Catalonia, as so many Catalans do, because it´s not posible anymore in Spanish Catalonia.

Cultoro: Santi Vila, gran aficionado a los toros será el nuevo consejero de Cultura de Generalitat

France: Parentis-en-Born Féria 2016 novilladas bullranches

Parentis-en-Born Féria 2016 novilladas bullranches have been announced.

Bullranches are: Los Maños, El Añadio, Prieto de la Cal, Santa Teresa, Couto de Fornilhos, Monteviejo, Valdellán, Raso de Portillo.
The three novilladas will take place 6-7.8.2016.


Spain: Talavante and Roca Rey mano a mano in Valencia

Alejandro Talavante and Andrés Roca Rey will fight a mano a mano bullfight in Valencia Las Fallas on 17.3.2016. Bullranch is Victoriano del Río.


Portugal: Lisbon bullfight museum has received its 10000th visitor

Lisbon bullfight museum has received its 10000th visitor. Museum is situated in Lisbon Campo Pequeno bullring. Museum was inaugurated on 2.6.2015.

France: Aignan year 2016 easter sunday novillada and bullfight announced

Aignan year 2016 easter sunday novillada and bullfight have been announced.

27.3.2016. Morning. Novillada without picadors. Bullranch: Camino de Santiago. Novilleros without picadors: Adrien Salenc, Baptiste Cisse.
27.3.2016. Afternoon. Bullfight. Bullranch: Albaserrada. Bullfighters: Sánchez Vara, Alberto Lamelas, César Valencia.


France: Arles 2016 bullfight dates announced

Arles year 2016 bullfight dates have been announced.

Feria de Pâques.

25.3.2016: Camargue bullfight.
26.3.2016: Bullfight.
27.3.2016: Novillada (morning). Bullranches: Blohorn, Laget.
27.3.2016: Bullfight (afternoon). Bullranch: Daniel Ruiz.
28.3.2016: Rejones bullfight (morning). Bullranch: Fermín Bohórquez.
28.3.2016: Bullfight (afternoon). Bullranch: Pedraza de Yeltes.

Feria du Riz.

10.9.2016: Goyesca bullfight. Bullranch: Zalduendo.
11.9.2016: Corrida concours. Six bullranches.