

Spain: Thirty five fined with 6000 euros for obstruction of bou embolat

Thirty five people have been fined with 6000 euros each in Olocau for obstruction of a bou embolat tradition on 5.12.2016 in Santa Lucía celebrations. Los 35 antitaurinos de Olocau, multados con 6000 euros.


France: Novillada in Vergèze on 10.4.2016

Novillada will be held in Vergèze on 10.4.2016.
Bullranch: Cuillé.
Novilleros: Pablo Belando, Manolo Vanegas, Tibo García.


Spain: Valdemorillo Feria 2016 bullfights announced

Valdemorillo Feria 2016 bullfights have been announced.

5.2.2016. Rejones bullfight.
Bullranch: Rocío de la Cámara.
Rejoneadors: Manuel Manzanares, Juan Manuel Munera, Rubén Sánchez.

6.2.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Monte la Ermita.
Bullfighters: Luís Antonio Gaspar "Paulita", Victor Barrio, Martín Escudero.

7.2.2016. Bullfight.
Bullranch: Ana Romero.
Bullfighters: Borja Jiménez, Lama de Góngora, Francisco José Espada.


Spain: Sevilla Resurrection Sunday bullfight announced

Sevilla Resurrection Sunday bullfight has been announced in
Bullranch: Garcigrande.
Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, José María Manzanares, Alejandro Talavante.

Spain: Ciudad Rodrigo Carnaval del Toro festivals announced

Ciudad Rodrigo Carnaval del Toro festivals have been announced.

6.2.2016. Festival with picadors. Bullranch: Garcigrande. Bullfighters: Juan Diego, César Jiménez, Juan del Álamo and novillero Álvaro Lorenzo.
7.2.2016. Three best novilleros of Bolsín Taurino de Ciudad Rodrigo.
8.2.2016. Fourth and fifth best novilleros.
9.2.2016. Novillada. Bullranch: Garcigrande. Novilleros: Ginés Marín, Alejandro Marcos, Daniel García Navarrete, Juan Antonio Pérez Pinto.

Spain: Yes to the running of the bulls in Chella

Chella has said yes to running of the bulls. Chella made a referendum on bullfight this sunday by the townhall whether or not the local population was in favor of bous al carrer (running of the bulls on the streets of the town). 58% answered yes to running of the bulls.

Spain: Alfarero de Plata contest

Villaseca de Sagra´s III Alfarero de Plata contest will be held every saturday from 2.4. to 30.4.2016. The final will be held 14.5.2016