

Spain: Conmemorative tile for bullfighter Gregorio Sánchez unveiled today

A conmemorative tile for bullfighter Gregorio Sánchez  has been unveiled today in Madrid Las Ventas bullring. Gregorio Sánchez is the director of  Madrid bullfight school.

Spain: Ávila 5.6.2016 bullfight announced

Ávila 5.6.2016 bullfight has been announced.

Bullranches: Ángel Sánchez y Sánchez, Carlos Charro.
Rejoneador: Hermoso de Mendoza.
Bullfighters: Enrique Ponce, Francisco José Espada.

Spain: Vinarós San Juan bullfight announced

Vinarós San Juan bullfight has been announced. Bullfight will be held on 19.6.2016.
Bullranch: Los Ronceles. Bullfighters: Juan José Padilla, David Fandila "El Fandi", Varea.

Portugal: Lisbon 20.5.2016. Bullfight

Lisbon 20.5.2016. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Vinhas.


João Moura: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: Diogo Sepúlveda (GFA Santarém): no circuit of the bullring and Manuel Guerreiro (GFA Lisboa): circuit of the bullring.
António Telles: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: Pedro María Gomes (GFA Lisboa): no circuit of the bullring and João Brito (GFA Santarém): circuit of the bullring. Bullrancher: circuit of the bullring.
Rui Fernandes: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: Lourenço Ribeiro (GFA Santarém): circuit of the bullring and Pedro Gil (GFA Lisboa): circuit of the bullring. Bullrancher: circuit of the bullring.


Spain: Madrid 19.5.2016. Bullfight

Madrid 19.5.2016. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Puerto de San Lorenzo, Valdefresno.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Enrique Ponce: ovation after a warning and ovation.
Daniel Luque: silence and silence.
Román: silence and ovation.

Bullfight was Roman´s alternativa confirmation.

Bullring was full of spectators.


Spain: Úbeda and Baeza headquarters of bullfight surgery congress

Úbeda and Baeza are the headquarters of XXXIV national congress of bullfight surgery. More than hundred professionals from bullfight countries will attend the congress. Congress will be held from 1.6. to 4.6.2016.

Spain: Madrid 18.5.2016. Bullfight

Madrid 18.5.2016. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Fuente Ymbro, Buenavista.

Bullfighter and trophy:

Diego Urdiales: ovation after two warnings and silence.
Miguel Ángel Perera: silence and silence after a warning.
Alejandro Talavante: ovation and one bull´s ear.

A minute of silence was held before the bullfight begin in memory of novillero Renato Motta who died in Perú this tuesday in the bullring.

Bullfight was sold out.