

Spain: San Martín de Valdeiglesias feria 2017 bulfights announced

San Martín de Valdeiglesias feria bullfights and novillada without picadors have been announced.

9.9.2017. Bullfight. Bullranch: Baltasar Ibán: Bullfighters: Iván Vicente Joselito Adame, Román.
10.9.2017. Bullfight. Bullranch: Fernando Peña. Bullfighters: Juan Bautista, Joaquin Galdós, Álvaro Lorenzo.
11.9.2017. Novillada without picadors. Bullranch: Fernando Peña. Novilleros: Christian Montoro, Ramón Serrano, Yon Lamothe.

Spain: Bilbao 19.8.2017. Rejones

Bilbao 19.8.2017. Rejones.

Bullranch: El Capea y Carmen Lorenzo.


Hermoso de Mendoza: silence and two bull´s ears.
Andy Cartagena: silence and two bull´ s ears.
Lea Vicens: silence and one bull´s ear.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

One minute of silence was held in memory of Barcelona terrorist attack victims.

Spain: Madrid 19.8.2017. Novillada

Madrid 19.8.2017. Novillada.

Bullranches: Condessa de Sobral, Mercedes Figuerola.


Fernando Beltrán: silence after a warning and ovation.
Daniel Crespo: silence after a warning and silence.
Adrián Henche: ovation after a warning and circuit of the bullring after a warning.

Bullring was 1/4 full of spectators.

One minute of silence was held in memory of Barcelona terrorist attack victims.

Spain: Málaga 19.8.2017. Bullfight

Málaga 19.8.2017. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo.


Julián López "El Juli". whistles and ovation.
Alejandro Talavante: ovation and one bull´s ear after a warning.
Andrés Roca Rey: ovation after a warning and silence.

Bullring was almost full of spectators.

Spain: Ciudad Real 19.8.2017. Bullfight

Ciudad Real 19.8.2017. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Victorino Martín.


Paco Ureña: one bull´s ear and one bull´s ear.
Daniel Luque: two bull´s ears and one bull´s ear.
Fernando Tendero: circuit of the bullring and silence.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.


Portugal: Albufeira 18.8.2017. Bullfight

Albufeira 18.8.2017. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Ascensão Vaz.


João Moura: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Tito Semedo: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.

Forcados: Antonio Calça e Pina (GFA Montemor): circuit of the bullring. Guilherme Santos (GFA Beja). circuit of the bullring. José María Vacas de Carvalho (GFA Montemor): circuit of the bullring. Francisco Patanita (GFA Beja): circuit of the bullring. Vasco Carolino (GFA Montemor): circuit of the bullring. João Fialho (GFA Beja): circuit of the bullring.


Spain: Málaga 18.8.2017. Bullfight

Málaga 18.8.2017. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Juan Pedro Domecq.


Paquirri: ovation and ovation.
Cayetano: ovation and ovation.
Ginés Marín: ovation and ovation.

Bullring was 2/3 full of spectators.