

Spain: The Madrid Assembly has rejected anti-bullfight proposal by Podemos

The Madrid Assembly has rejected anti-bullfight proposal by Podemos. The bill proposed to prohibit the entry of children under 18 years of age to bullfights as well as the broadcast of bullfight on Madrid television.

Spain: Andalucian Parlament has rejected animal welfare law proposal presented by Podemos

Andalucían Parliament has rejected animal welfare law proposal presented by Podemos. The law proposed, among other proposals, the prohibition of attendance and participation of children under 18 of age in bullfights and the broadcasting of bullfights in public media.

Spain: Pamplona 5.7.2018. Novillada

Pamplona 5.7.2018. Novillada.

Bullranch: Ganaderia de Pincha.


Alfonso Cadaval: circuit of the bullring and one bull's ear.
Toñete: one bull's ear and silence.
Francisco de Manuel: ovation and two bull's ears.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

Spain: Málaga Feria de Agosto 2018 bullfights announced

Málaga Feria de Agosto 2018 bullfights announced.

Spain: Murcia Feria 2018 bullfights announced

Murcia Feria 2018 bullfights have been announced.

Spain: Pozoblanco Feria 2018 bullfights announced

Pozoblanco Feria 2018 bullfights have been announced.

Spain: Huelva Feria de las Colombinas 2018 bullfights announced

Huelva Feria de las Colombinas 2018 bullfights have been announced.