

France: Arles 21.4.2019. Bullfight

Arles 21.4.2019. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Jandilla, Vegahermosa.


Antonio Borrero "Chamaco": silence and one bull's ear after a warning.
Sebastián Castella: ovation after a warning two bull's ears after a warning.
Miguel Ángel Perera: ovation after two warnings and circuit of the bullring after two warnings.

Sebastián Castella was carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.

Bullring was almost full of spectators.

France: Arles 21.4.2019. Morning novillada

Arles 21.4.2019. Morning novillada.

Bullranches: André, Lartet, Giraud, Camino de Santiago, Domaine de Málaga, Taurelle et fils.


Tibo García: ovation after a warning.
Maxime Solera: one bull's ear.
Baptiste Cissé: ovation after a warning.
Carlos Olsina: one bull's ear after a warning.
El Rafi: one bull's ear.
Adam Samira: one bull's ear.

Bullring was 1/3 full of spectators.

Spain: Madrid 21.4.2019. Bullfight

Madrid 21.4.2019. Bullfight.

Bullranches: Toros de El Torero, Lagunajanda.


David Galván: aplause and silence.
Juan Ortega: circuit of the bullring after a warning and aplause after two warnings.
Pablo Aguado: silence and aplause.

Bullring was 1/3 full of spectators.

Spain: Seville 21.4.2019. Bullfight

Seville 21.4.2019. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Victoriano del Río.


El Juli: ovation and silence.
José María Manzanares: silence after a warning and one bull's ear.
Roca Rey: silence and ovation after a warning.

Bullfight was sold out.

France: Arles 20.4.2019. Bullfight

Arles 20.4.2019. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Garcigrande, Domingo Hernández.


Morante de la Puebla: division of opinions after a warning and silence.
José María Manzanares: one bull's ear after a warning and two bull's ears after a warning.
Álvaro Lorenzo: one bull's ear and ovation after a warning.

Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.


Spain: Cehegín 13.4.2019. Bullfight

Cehegín 13.4.2019. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Núnez del Cuvillo.


Morante de la Puebla: one bull's ear and ovation after a warning.
Manzanares: two bull's ears and two bull's ears.
Roca Rey: two bull's ears after a warning and two bull's ears and a tail.

Manzanares and Roca Rey were carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight.

Bullring was almost full of spectators.

Portugal: Lisbon 12.4.2019. Bullfight

Lisbon 12.4.2019. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Antonio Silva.


Antonio Telles: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Rui Fernandes: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.
Duarte Pinto: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring.

One minute of silence was observed before the bullfight.

Bullring was 2/3 full of spectators.