

Spain: Valdepeñas 4.9.2020. Bullfight

 Valdepeñas 4.9.2020. Bullfight. Bullranch: Conde de Mayalde. Bullfighters: Eugenio de Mora: silence and one bull's ear. Gómez del Pilar: two bull's ears and one bull's ear after a warning. Joaquin Galdós: silence and two symbolic bull's ears. Sixth bull was pardoned. Bullring was 1/3 full of spectators.


Spain: Cultoro writes how the Community of Madrid once again puts sticks in the wheels of bullfghting

 Bullfight community believes Madrid Autonomous Region president Isabel Días Ayuso (Partido Popular) has failed them. Cultoro writes how the Community of Madrid once again puts sticks in the wheels of bullfghting, succumbing to pressure and accentuating the horrible situation of bullfight professionals.


Spain: Añover del Tajo 31.8.2020. Novillada

 Añover del Tajo 31.8.2020. Novillada. Bullranch: San Isidro. Novilleros: Francisco Montero: ovation and aplause. Rubén Hernández: silence and silence after a warning. Leandro Gutiérrez (debut with picadors): silence and two bull's ears. Bullring was 1/2 full of spectators.

Spain: Añover del Tajo 30.8.2020. Bullfight

Añover del Tajo 30.8.2020. Bullfight. Bullranch: Murteira Grave. Bullfighters: Sergio Serrano: one bull's ear and ovation. Juan Leal: ovation after a warning and silence. José Garrido: silence and two bull's ears.

Spain: Linares 30.8.2020. Bullfight

 Linares 30.8.2020. Bullfight. Bullranch: Luís Algarra, Parladé, Juan Pedro Domecq. Bullfighters: Juan Ortega: silence and two bull's ears. Álvaro Lorenzo: two bull's ears and one bull's ear. Daniel Crespo: ovation and one bull's ear.