

Spain: A health protocol for next sunday's festival on Madrid Las Ventas bullring has been published

 A health protocol to ensure public safety in next sunday's festival on Madrid Las Ventas bullring has been published.

Spain: Almendralejo 1.5.2021. Novillada

 Almendralejo 1.5.2021. Novillada. Bullranches: Guadajira, El Torreón, José Luís Pereda. Novilleros: João Diogo Fera: silence after warning and one bull's ear. José Rojo: ovation after a warning and symbolic two bull's ears and a tail. Juan Ángel García Corbacho: silence after a warning and one bull's ear. Novillada's sixth novillo was pardoned due to novillo's bravery.


Spain: Zafra 30.4.2021. Bullfight

 Zafra 30.4.2021. Bullfight. Bullranch: Nuñez de Tarifa. Bullfighters: Uceda Leal: ovation and two bull's ears. Francisco José Espada: one bull's ear and two bull's ears, Coronavirus restriction applied. Less than 1/4 of the bullring attendance was full.


Spain: Zafra 29.4.2021. Bullfight

 Zafra 29.4.2021. Bullfight. Bullranch: José Luís Pereda. Bullfighters: Fernando Robleño: one bull's ear and ovation after a warning. Adrien Salenc: one bull's ear and one bull's ear.

Portugal: A bullfight has been published in Lisbon on 16.7.2021

A bullfight has been published in Lisbon on 16.7.2021. Bullranches: Nuñez de Tarifa, Voltalegre. Bullfighters: Finito de Córdoba, José Garrido, Manuel Díaz Gomes, Juanito.


Spain: Aranjuez Feria de San Fernando bullfights have been published

 Aranjuez Feria de San Fernando bullfights have been published. 28.5.2021. Bullfight. Bullranch: Garcigrande. Bullfighters: El Juli, José María Manzanares, Paco Ureña. 30.5.2021. Bullfight. Bullranch: Nuñez del Cuvillo. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, Daniel Luque, Roca Rey.