

Portugal: Bullfight in Vila Viço on 15.3.2014.

A bullfight will be held in Vila Viço on 15.3.2014. Bullfight is organised by Rádio Campanário for the fourth consecutive year.
Bullfighters and bullranch has not been announced yet.


Spain: El Juli´s cuadrilla ready for season 2014.

Subalterno Fernando Pérez joins Julián López El Juli´s cuadrilla. With this addition El Juli´s cuadrilla is ready for bullfight season 2014.


Portugal: Bullfighter Pedrito de Portugal returns on the season 2014.

Bullfighter Pedrito de Portugal returns to European bullrings on the season 2014. Pedrito de Portugal celebrates 20th anniversary of his alternativa in 2014.

Portugal: Évora bullring owners deny news about new managers.

Évora bullring owners deny news appeared in the press about new managers for the bullring.
A decision about new manager will be made within a one month.

France: Bordeaux Toro-Sport bullfightclub is 120 years old.

Bordeaux Toro-Sport bullfightclub is 120 years old. Toro-Sport bullfightclub is the second oldest bullfightclub in the world after Real Club Tauromáquico of Portugal.


Spain: Granada becerrada for food bank postponed to 4.1.2014.

A charity becerrada for food bank programmed in Granada on 28.12.2013 has been postponed to fourth of January 2014. Becerrada was cancelled because heavy rain had damaged bullrings arena sand.

Spain: Bullfighter Victor Janeiro has new managers.

Bullfighter Victor Janeiro´s new managers are Pabecema S.L company and Antonion Saiz. The managing agreement is for an idefinite period of time.