

Portugal: Tomar 7.8.2015. Bullfight

Tomar 7.8.2015. Bullfight.

Bullranch: Ascensão Vaz.


João Moura: discreet first bull. Hit average compridos and two great palmitos. Circuit of the bullring.
On his second bull, which was bullfight´s fourth bull, cavaleiro didn´t succeed well because of the bull. Circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA Santarém´s Francisco Graciosa succeeded on first pega on the first bull. Circuit of the bullring. On fourth bull GFA Santarém´s António Imaginário succeeded on fourth pega. Did not do circuit of the bullring.

Rui Salvador: cavaleiro fought on his home bullring and it was noticed by the amount of applause he received. Circuit of the bullring. On his second bull cavaleiro hit great curtos receiving a loud standing ovation. Circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA de Tomar´s Marco Fernando succeeded well on first pega. On fifth bull GFA Santarém´s José María Lebre succeeded on second pega. Circuit of the bullring.

Francisco Cortes: hit good curto and palmo. Did not do circuit of the bullring although it would have been permitted by the president. On his second bull cavaleiro hit two great compridos, of which the first was the better. Circuit of the bullring.
Forcados: GFA Santarém´s António Imaginário succeeded on fourth pega. Did not do circuit of the bullring. On sixth bull GFA Tomar´s Alexandre Ferreira succeeded on third pega. Circuit of the bullring